Getting Personal... Moving towards A Better Future

Hi There Guess what... It looks like writing is in the family!! These last few months has been... how can I put it... Tough? You know I am going into a new business venture and the progress is slow and it is just me pushing this big idea forward and it feels like just can't. If this was in a training concept. I'll be like " I know this is tough but you need to push through... This is where the muscles are really being tested just keep going". But now that it is in the concept of my business it sounds so much harder... I'll rather do the physical training. But this is my point. It feels the same but it is totally different. If we strengthen the mind in one aspect/concept we can apply it in every and any other situation. That is why I will not give up and believe that #NeverStopMoving will move forward and that slowly but surely people get to love movement as much as I do and we can all move together towards a better future. Speaking of which that has a lot...