
Showing posts with the label Visualization

Week 5 #2020 Adjusting Our Focus

Hi There Now this is the week where we really start working!! I am so excited!!! This week we are going to start focusing. We are going to focus on how we focus😜!!How do you prioritize? How do you make something the focus? How do you decide what your focus will be. I want you to zoom in on "the Why?".Why is it import? Why focus on....? I want you to dig deep on the process of getting you focus or focus point. Some great reading on this topic is the book Start With Why from Simon Sinek. Your Why is also your motivation. If you know your why, when it gets rough and tough... YOU KNOW WHY you are pushing through!     This week.  WEEK 5 of #2020 What can you do to focus more efficiently? What do you think is the act of focusing? How do you focus. What needs some focus? What is your WHY? Please let me know  Next week (Week 6 of #2020) we will be examining our habits. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌ paypal...


Hi There It is Chooseday Tuesday time!This time it is about choosing You or Others... For You or For Others!  Again we are focusing on abstract concepts. Which I love!!! I love it because it makes you think why you believe or behave the way you do!. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Firstly we need to decide what each of these concepts mean. What does for me mean? When do you do things for yourself purely for you. For me? What does for others mean? When and what do you do others? What makes you feel good? Doing things for others or yourself?  If you asked me this question a few months ago my answer would have been totally different. I would have said that you should do everything for others! They make you feel good. They validate you. Now I want to slap myself that I ever thought that!! I validate myself, I make myself feel good!! Not others!.  I believe that again do BOTH!!! Do things for yourself to grow and be healthy. If it ne...

Muscle Of The Week:... Trapezius

Hi There I am starting a new series. I want people to learn more about the body and how it works. I talk about the brain and body needing to learn to talk to one another. They need to speak the same language. During my time with clients and athletes I have realized that most of them have little to none body awareness.  Now let me be clear. You do not need to understand or have in- depth knowledge to have good body awareness, but it helps tremendously when you at least know where the muscle is and how it works.  So during this series I am going to try and keep it simple. I will provide you with what I deem credible sources that I use/d during my studies and ongoing quest to fully understand movement. This week's muscle is the Trapezius Muscle. I believe this is one of the muscles a lot of people do not understand and causes a lot of discomfort. This is what I call the stress muscle, because it seems this is where we carry our tension. Our work environment...

Mind Over Mind: Knowing what to focus on.

Hi There The year is coming to end and I am putting in a lot of thought into next year's challenges. I am also  reflecting on this year  . This was quite a year so much has happened.  I think it is important to keep in mind where we place our focus. This plays a huge role on our motivation. Just like with all things. The mind can be our worst enemy or our best friend. We can work with our body or against it. Knowing where to place our focus and how is going to make the journey quicker and more empowering!!  This time of year  don't just make goal and focus on where you want to be, rather start focussing on HOW you are going to get there. What are you going to change?  Again as with a lot of IMPORTANT thing... Easier said than done.  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Getting Personal... Moving towards A Better Future

Hi There  Guess what... It looks like writing is in the family!!  These last few months has been... how can I put it... Tough? You know I am going into a new business venture and the progress is slow and it is just me pushing this big idea forward and it feels like just can't. If this was in a training concept. I'll be like " I know this is tough but you need to push through... This is where the muscles are really being tested just keep going". But now that it is in the concept of my business it sounds so much harder... I'll rather do the physical training. But this is my point. It feels the same but it is totally different. If we strengthen the mind in one aspect/concept we can apply it in every and any other situation. That is why I will not give up and believe that #NeverStopMoving will move forward and that slowly but surely people get to love movement as much as I do and we can all move together towards a better future. Speaking of which that has a lot...

What I believe About... Visualization

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Today's topic was inspired by a reader that commented. So here goes. Visualization is an interesting topic. I do believe it is important. I believe that visualization has a place in our training, goal setting. But again it has a part. It is not the be all and end all. I can not "see" myself healthy but I do not "do" anything it is useless. To me it plays a big role in goal setting. Working towards your vision. I also believe that it is a great tool to use during rehab for athlete's ect. It keeps the brain connected to the movement even if the limb is isolated or immovable. Again the power of the mind is what is at play.  I believe that visualization should be seen as a verb, not a noun. We need do DO something to MOVE toward the VISION.  I hop...