Hi There COOSEday! On this Tuesday I want to talk about Easy and Convenient. These are abstract concepts and can be seen and lived differently by all of us. What seems "easy" to me may not be "easy" for another. But I believe that both mean different things. Just so that we are on the same page here are the definitions supplied by Google. easy Dictionary result for easy /ˈiːzi/ adjective 1. achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties. "an easy way of retrieving information" synonyms: uncomplicated , not difficult, undemanding , unexacting, unchallenging , effortless , painless , trouble-free , facile , simple , straightforward , elementary , idiot-proof , plain sailing ; More 2. (of a period of time or way of life) free from worries or problems. "promises of an easy life in the New World" synonyms: calm...