
Hi There 
I am going to go on a rant here... 
This is why I despise the media and the way they "sell" exercise! They are LYING TO YOU!!! There is NO pill that is going to make you lose weight without YOU changing SOMETHING in your lifestyle.
There is a reason you are where you are health wise, weight wise, mentally etc. This is why we lose the weight and gain it all back most of the time even more.  
Worst is that we know it!!! We are just accustomed to instant gratification. We do not want to wait! Sorry but it is not how it works...
You have to do the work... No magic here... The magic is within YOU. Start doing it for YOU. No other reason, because it is going to get hard. You are not all of a sudden going to love cardio... The mind needs to change.
This is why I call it movement. Every aspect of your life is going to be affected by this movement... By you moving more.
No one can make you promises. Follw this link to You Need To Do The Work No Personal Trainer, no Diet, nothing can make promises. YOU are the secret. What you DO. How bad YOU want to change.

#StayReal and do it for YOU. Then you will reach success. 

Keep Moving until next time👋


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