Do not... I repeat... DO NOT get overwhelmed!!

Hi There This time of the year we try and get our "lives" in order and set up goals for ourselves. Sometimes we are even excited about all these challenges!! Other times we don't know where to start. This is how it usually goes... You have never ran a KM, now you need to lose some weight...So you are going to run 5 km every morning...😲😵😨 You die trying and the next hour or day you are so stiff you can not function as a human being and no human likes torture let alone torturing themselves, so you stop and hate exercise... and thinks it does not work! Running can be substituted with any type of exercise activity...FYI Sorry but that is WRONG and NO excuse. YOU did it WRONG!!! There is a science behind movement. Thus a process! As with EVERYTHING in life!!!! Do not get overwhelmed and push to hard! Start small and build on your successes!! Start with walking 15 min a day and build on it weekly... You might find that you enjoy it!!! Again small steps...