Hi There I love this week's options! On that note.... Any options you might want to add? I want to make a choice between being happy and being content. Is there a difference or are they the same? Let us go to Google for help. happy Dictionary result for happy /ˈhapi/ adjective adjective: happy; comparative adjective: happier; superlative adjective: happiest; suffix: -happy 1. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. "Melissa came in looking happy and excited" synonyms: contented , content , cheerful , cheery , merry , joyful , jovial , jolly , joking , jocular , gleeful , carefree , untroubled , delighted , smiling , beaming , grinning , glowing , satisfied , gratified, buoyant , radiant , sunny , blithe , joyous , beatific , blessed ; More ...