
Showing posts with the label Balance

Saorsa- Finding Freedom

Hi There  Sorry for my disappearance. My laptop got stolen πŸ˜’πŸ˜“πŸ˜ŸAnd we all know the headache that comes with. Real life drama that looks and reads so easy in stories but in real life they suck and take time!!!! Getting Personal... This is a very exciting time for me and #NeverStopMovng!!! It is a huge step forward for us. I am starting to give Pilates for pregnant women and I got a premises for this purpose! And you know what all this was clouded by the burglary. I realized that I allowed them to steal my freedom as well.  We do this when we compare our goals, situations and lives with others. We are in control of how we act. What we allow to affect us and how much. Do not let others take away your saorsa. Be saorsa!!  Breath and enjoy the life you have.We only get one!! Keep Moving until ne xt time πŸ‘‹


Hi There  Why is balance so hard?  As a Sport scientist, I think of balance as an physical act. Maybe an unconscious physical act. BUT EVERYTHING is a balancing act. Living a healthy style means a balanced lifestyle. Balanced in all aspect of human life. Our diet, work schedule, day to day, movement, etc... Why do we forget this? Why do we just focus on our diet and physicality when it comes to getting or being healthy?  No... Heath and being healthy means to be BALANCED in EVERY aspect of LIVING... Thus it is a journey. Something we work on every single day. Because we are MORE than the sum of our PARTS... We are more than just physical beings. To be truly healthy and balanced means mental health, emotional/spiritual health, social health  are ALL good and on the same level. This is hard to achieve because we CANNOT control all the aspects of our being and let's be honest life plays a role too... BUT... I want to start thinking and working on a BALANCED HEALTHY...

Week 4 #2020Think Big, Start Small

Hi There  What we do today has an impact in our future. We all know this. We remember this with the "big" things; but it is also true for all the little/small things we do. Like drinking more water, eating better, moving more than usual. It is in the small changes that we make where our big successes comes from. When we think big it overwhelms us, but that is the big picture not the process or journey towards our success.When we reach success; people don't ask about how you got there. You are just seen as successful.But there is ALWAYS a path ,Journey ,Process that was followed and it is NEVER easy or WITHOUT STRUGGLE, FAILURE PLATO's Etc. This Journey is for you and what you can achieve being balanced and healthy throughout your life.  Always keep the big picture in mind;but focus on the process, the journey.  Start Analyzing the small things you do that prevents success? How can you change it? What Small thing can you do to make a big impact on your ...

Muscle Of the Week... Review

Hi There  I want to do a review of the muscles we have done! We have done 20 so far!! Remember we are just trying to gain more insight on where the muscles are and get an idea of the functions it has. We are not Anatomy students, just learning about our bodies!! Here is the muscles we have done and what we learnt on our way  A Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot Here we learnt that ABductor muscles functions take the movement away from the body  Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand Digiti means digit  Abductor Hallucis  Hallucis means Big Toe Abductor Pollicis Brevis Pollicus means Thumb  Brevis means Short Abductor Pollicis Longus  Longus means Long  Adductor Brevis Adductor means the functions of these muscles takes the movement toward the body  Adductor Hallucis Adductor Longus  Adductor Magnus Magnus means great  Adductor Pollicis  Anconeus  Articularis Cubiti Som...!

Hi There On this lovely Tuesday I want to talk about Balance. Here I believe we have no choice.Being balanced is what we strive for in everything. It is a way of life. A way you carry yourself. I believe this balance is the essence of perfection. I also believe in your struggle or strive to maintain balance we learn and become our best. We may not ever reach it in our humanity, but the journey towards it. Is absolutely amazing and an experience so personal; so gratifying and to be honest our life!! For this CHOOSEday there is no CHOICE. Also strive for Balance in every aspect of our being... Our Human beng!! What do you think? Is there a choice?  Keep Moving until  next  tim e πŸ‘‹


Hi There It is Chooseday Tuesday time!This time it is about choosing You or Others... For You or For Others!  Again we are focusing on abstract concepts. Which I love!!! I love it because it makes you think why you believe or behave the way you do!. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Firstly we need to decide what each of these concepts mean. What does for me mean? When do you do things for yourself purely for you. For me? What does for others mean? When and what do you do others? What makes you feel good? Doing things for others or yourself?  If you asked me this question a few months ago my answer would have been totally different. I would have said that you should do everything for others! They make you feel good. They validate you. Now I want to slap myself that I ever thought that!! I validate myself, I make myself feel good!! Not others!.  I believe that again do BOTH!!! Do things for yourself to grow and be healthy. If it ne...

Muscle Of The Week... Aryepiglotticus

Hi There The body is amazing and very complex. If you have been following this series you can see that we truly are more then the sum of our parts, and we do have a lot of parts!! We are almost done with all the "A" muscles!! This week's muscle is another tough one. But before we go on this muscle is one of the muscles that helps us swallow. So it is located in our throats. On a side note: I love that this brings us back to how we are put together to survive and for me personally we are more than just muscle moving but we are also moving too  Aryepiglotticus Follow link for a video   for the anatomy of the larynx .  Please follow the links to see my sources. I want to give credit to all of them. Keep Moving until ne xt time πŸ‘‹

Muscle Of The Week... Articularis Genu

Hi There This week's muscle is a tough one again... It is so small but not less important. It is a stabilizing muscle so that is it's function. It is also situated in the knee. I can not add to this, But we have learned that the knee is a complicated joint with lots of working parts! Another Word we can add to our medical vocabulary ... Genu- which means Knee Articularis Genu  Also I want to give an idea of where the muscle is and what it's functions are. I understand not everybody wants to know anatomy and such, but my goal is not to teach you anatomy but just provide a bit more information of the muscles.  Thank You  Keep Moving until ne xt time πŸ‘‹

Muscle Of The Week... Anconeus

Hi There Since last week's muscle was the last of the adductor name groups. I think a quick recap of what we have learnt thus far. Terminology *Abduction/ Abduct *Proximal *Distal *Brevis *Longus *Inferior *Flexion *Adduction Muscles we have done *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot  *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand *Abductor Hallucis  *Abductor Pollicis Brevis *Abductor Pollicis Longus   *Adductor Brevis *Adductor Hallucis *Adductor Longus *Adductor Magnus *Adductor Pollicis Muscles Of The Week... Anconeus. KenHub explains the Anconeus as follows ": The Anconeus muscle is a small, triangular muscle located at the elbow. It originates at the dorsal (back) side of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and inserts at the olecranon of the ulna. The Anconeus lies superficially and can be palpated at the dorsal, lateral side of the forearm near the elbow. The Anconeus contraction leads to extension of the...

The Muscle Of The Week...Adductor Magnus

Hi There I am so excited about this week's muscle!! Why, because I believe it is one of the most injury prone muscles that we underestimate! I also believe that we can lessen this "proneness to injury" by stretching this group, namely: Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longest and this week's Adductor Magnus . You see when we move these muscles,it is usually one direction within a joint that can and should be able to move multi- directional. Think about. The hip joInt is multi- directional, but when do we actually open the joint? We walk, run and cycle in one direction. it is rarely where we open the joint, when we do it is usually done quick and the groin gets injured. Thus I believe stretching this group should be implemented in every program for absolutely everybody.   Any Questions?  Adductor Magnus Origin: Ramus of the Ischium, Inferior Pubic Ramus, Tuberosity of the Ischium  . Insertion: Linea Aspera, Adductor Tubercle.  The function of A...

Muscle of The Week...Adductor Longus

Hi There We are back at it!! Terminology  We have learnt the following  *Abduction/ Abduct *Proximal *Distal *Brevis *Longus *Inferior *Flexion *Adduction Muscles we have done *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot  *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand *Abductor Hallucis  *Abductor Pollicis Brevis *Abductor Pollicis Longus   All the above muscles main function is Abduction.  *Adductor Brevis  *Adductor Hallucis   These muscles main function is adduction. Adductor Longus Origin: Pubic Symphysis, Superior Pubic Ramus  . Insertion: Linea Aspera.  The function of Adductor Longus:  Flexion  f the thigh Stabilization of the Pelvis  Adduction of the thigh Extension of the  thigh Follow link for a video   for the anatomy of Adductor Longus . .  Most common injuries:  Groin injuries. This type...

Muscle Of The Week...Adductor Brevis

Hi There These last weeks we have started our journey learning the muscles. This is a HUGE under taking. There are +- 600 muscles in the body... So we will be at this for a while... We are also doing this alphabetically to follow logically .Let us do a quick review on what we have learnt these past weeks.  Right off the bat we have learnt some terminology to understand movement patterns and some functions of the muscles. Terminology  From last week we also learnt why  professionals need a language that can be understood internationally. It makes sense no matter where you are a doctor needs to be able to understand the body and communicate what he has done to the body and where it has been done.  I mean can you think of what might go wrong it there is a language barrier between a surgeon and the diagnosis doctor? You might lose a kidney or undergo a wrong procedure. Also Latin is a "dead" language.Meaning it does not change and evolve because we do not use it an...

Putting In The Effort

Hi There  I love my job. I love that I get to help and see other peoples' progress. I feel honored being a part of their journey.  But THEY need to put in the effort. When we start on their movement journey, we enter into an accountability relationship.This means we are accountable towards each other and our goals. I need to design programmes that challenges you in every way and that meets your physical standards and i need to make sure all this happens in a safe and productive way. YOU need to do the WORK. YOU need to put IN the EFFORT at your highest ability for it to work. I CAN NOT DO IT FOR YOU! I can shout, jump, do every movement with you whatever it takes, but I CANNOT DO THE WORK FOR YOU! Even if I sometimes wish I could.  Remember we are in this together. Sometimes it takes longer to see results or due to injury we get frustrated, but that is life. We have to push through the feelings and follow Nike and JUST DO IT. We might even have to start o...