Muscle of The Week...Adductor Longus

Hi There

We are back at it!!


We have learnt the following 

*Abduction/ Abduct


Muscles we have done

*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot 

*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand
*Abductor Hallucis 
*Abductor Pollicis Brevis
*Abductor Pollicis Longus  

All the above muscles main function is Abduction. 

*Adductor Brevis 

*Adductor Hallucis  

These muscles main function is adduction.

Adductor Longus

Origin: Pubic Symphysis, Superior Pubic Ramus .
Insertion: Linea Aspera. 

The function of Adductor Longus: 

Flexion  f the thigh
Stabilization of the Pelvis 
Adduction of the thigh
Extension of the  thigh

Follow link for a video for the anatomy of Adductor Longus. . 

Most common injuries: 

Groin injuries. This type of injury is very painful and awkward. Most athletes get groin strains.This is why stretching the groin is so important.

Please follow the links to see my sources. I want to give credit to all of them.

Keep Moving until next time👋


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