Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot

Hi There I want to apologize for missing last week's Muscle Of The Week (again...), but we have a lot of muscles to cover and I would like to go through all of them! This is an overwhelming ask!! We have so many muscles and ALL of them play a role in our movement! I have decided that working alphabetically might be a better way of navigating the muscles! For the brain and body to talk to one another. They need to speak the same language. For this to happen we need to be conscious of where the movement originates and what needs to be done. During my time with clients and athletes I have realized that most of them have little to none body awareness. Now let me be clear. You do not need to understand or have in- depth knowledge to have good body awareness, but it helps tremendously when you at least know where the muscle is and how it works. So during this series I am going to try and keep it simple. I will provide you with what I deem credible sources th...