Muscle Of The Week... Adductor Pollicis

Hi There How are you experiencing this series? I must say I am actually enjoying this. It is almost like revising my university anatomy, only this time with less stress. I believe this is why I am having so much fun with this series. I am even incorporating The Muscle Of The Week in my programmes I design for my clients and athletes!! I hope you are learning more about the physical side you are constructed of. I am starting another series on my FaceBook Group #NeverStopMoving Q & A WEDNESDAY. Where YOU can ask me anything that has to do with movement and my personal blog! On to this week's muscle... Adductor Pollicis This is the last muscle's name that start with "adductor". This also tells us that it is the muscle's main but NOT only function. Also by seeing the name it should tells us where the muscle is... Pollicis meaning Pollex which is thumb in latin. So we are talking about a muscle that adducts the thumb. Remember when talking about "car...