Sometimes Evolving/Growing Means We Need To Let Go...

Hi There For us to grow or evolve we need to let go of something and life has it, it is usually something we find comfort in or hold dear. It isn't something easy. Maybe simple but not easy. For us to become healthy we need to give up bad habits. Life is all about give and take. What we give up and what we take up can literally change our lives for good or bad. Sometimes we feel like letting go might be the end, but it can also be the best starting point for your next step forward. Evolving is tough, but something we can not run away from. We can choose to go a long or get dragged along or worse stuck with no growth whatsoever!! I had to let go of something and I am still struggling with it, but to grow and evolve I need to... Letting go is not always the end It is a start to a new begining Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋