
Showing posts with the label #StayReal


Hi There  Why is balance so hard?  As a Sport scientist, I think of balance as an physical act. Maybe an unconscious physical act. BUT EVERYTHING is a balancing act. Living a healthy style means a balanced lifestyle. Balanced in all aspect of human life. Our diet, work schedule, day to day, movement, etc... Why do we forget this? Why do we just focus on our diet and physicality when it comes to getting or being healthy?  No... Heath and being healthy means to be BALANCED in EVERY aspect of LIVING... Thus it is a journey. Something we work on every single day. Because we are MORE than the sum of our PARTS... We are more than just physical beings. To be truly healthy and balanced means mental health, emotional/spiritual health, social health  are ALL good and on the same level. This is hard to achieve because we CANNOT control all the aspects of our being and let's be honest life plays a role too... BUT... I want to start thinking and working on a BALANCED HEALTHY...

What Happened !!

H i There  It feels totally unreal. I don't know what to say or even where to start. I had a plan. I wanted to build my blog and post regularly. I planned out my posts. I wrote them and scheduled them to go out automatically. I was so proud of how I started 2020 in a positive and with an actual path planned out. I NEVER do that. Usually the intent is there but never much action. This time there were both!!  WHAT HAPPENED.... Corona Virus... HAPPENED Novel - Corona Virus 19... HAPPENED Covid- 19... HAPPENED Covid SARS 2 ... HAPPENED Whatever you want to call it... IT HAPPENED  The whole world went on LOCK-DOWN.It is a world event that we will tell our kids about... The Pandemic that changed the world. That we lived through it.  With this I want to stay positive and I want to encourage you to take this time, this event, to remember what freedom means to us as beings and that our health should be the biggest and  most important investment you have to make...

Muscle Of the Week... Review

Hi There  I want to do a review of the muscles we have done! We have done 20 so far!! Remember we are just trying to gain more insight on where the muscles are and get an idea of the functions it has. We are not Anatomy students, just learning about our bodies!! Here is the muscles we have done and what we learnt on our way  A Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot Here we learnt that ABductor muscles functions take the movement away from the body  Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand Digiti means digit  Abductor Hallucis  Hallucis means Big Toe Abductor Pollicis Brevis Pollicus means Thumb  Brevis means Short Abductor Pollicis Longus  Longus means Long  Adductor Brevis Adductor means the functions of these muscles takes the movement toward the body  Adductor Hallucis Adductor Longus  Adductor Magnus Magnus means great  Adductor Pollicis  Anconeus  Articularis Cubiti Som...

Muscle Of The Week... Brachialis

Hi There I just want to take a step back and review what we have learnt so far. First the terminology and then the muscles we have discussed. Remember we just want to know where our muscles are and what function in our movement they play.  Terminology *Abduction/ Abduct- Movement away from the midline of the body  *Proximal- Closest point to the joint *Distal- Furthest point to the joint  *Brevis- Short  *Longus- Long *Inferior- Lower part  *Superior- Upper part  *Flexion- Minimising the angle of the joint  *Adduction- Movement towards the midline of the body  *Brachi- Arm Muscles we have done *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot  *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand *Abductor Hallucis  *Abductor Pollicis Brevis *Abductor Pollicis Longus   *Adductor Brevis *Adductor Hallucis *Adductor Longus *Adductor Magnus *Adductor Pollicis *Anconeus *Articularis Cubiti *Articula...


Hi There It is Chooseday Tuesday time!This time it is about choosing You or Others... For You or For Others!  Again we are focusing on abstract concepts. Which I love!!! I love it because it makes you think why you believe or behave the way you do!. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Firstly we need to decide what each of these concepts mean. What does for me mean? When do you do things for yourself purely for you. For me? What does for others mean? When and what do you do others? What makes you feel good? Doing things for others or yourself?  If you asked me this question a few months ago my answer would have been totally different. I would have said that you should do everything for others! They make you feel good. They validate you. Now I want to slap myself that I ever thought that!! I validate myself, I make myself feel good!! Not others!.  I believe that again do BOTH!!! Do things for yourself to grow and be healthy. If it ne...

Muscle Of The Week...Auricularis

Hi There TIs week's muscles are a group of facial muscles. They are called Auricularis Anterior Auricularis Posterior and Auricularis Superior. They are placed under the Temporal Muscle.  Now remember the goal here is to know where and what the muscle does not to become an anatomy expert.This is also our last muscle starting with A!!! Here is a quick list of the muscles we have doone! Abductor digiti minimi of the Foot  Abductor digiti minimi of the Hand Abductor hallucis Abductor pollicis brevis  Abductor pollicis longus Adductor brevis Adductor hallucis Adductor longus Adductor magnus Adductor pollicis Anconeus Articularis cubiti Articularis genu Aryepiglotticus ...Auricularis this week's Muscle!! Quick Question! Which of the listed is attached on the Femur (Thigh Bone) and is the largest muscle of this group? Please leave your answer in the comments below!! Auricularis These muscles helps with our facial expressions! Ther...

Muscle Of The Week... Articularis Cubit

Hi There This week's muscle is a tough one. It is a small and weird one. Some might even call it more of a ligament than a muscle. Others believe it is part of the Tricep Brachii  muscle. But I have linkes videos and articles to further your understanding.  Articularis Cubit Origin: Beep distal surface of the medial head of the Tricep Brachii  Insertion: Posterior capsule of the elbow joint.  The function of Articularis Cubit Lifts capsule away from the joint  Follow link for a video   for the anatomy of the elbow joint .  Most common injuries :  Tennis or Golfers' Elbow (Epicondylitis) Dislocation of the joint  Please follow the links to see my sources. I want to give credit to all of them. Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Muscle Of The Week...Adductor Brevis

Hi There These last weeks we have started our journey learning the muscles. This is a HUGE under taking. There are +- 600 muscles in the body... So we will be at this for a while... We are also doing this alphabetically to follow logically .Let us do a quick review on what we have learnt these past weeks.  Right off the bat we have learnt some terminology to understand movement patterns and some functions of the muscles. Terminology  From last week we also learnt why  professionals need a language that can be understood internationally. It makes sense no matter where you are a doctor needs to be able to understand the body and communicate what he has done to the body and where it has been done.  I mean can you think of what might go wrong it there is a language barrier between a surgeon and the diagnosis doctor? You might lose a kidney or undergo a wrong procedure. Also Latin is a "dead" language.Meaning it does not change and evolve because we do not use it an...

Sport Science Testing

Hi There  We are undergoing testing these upcoming weeks. This is the time I love to hate. I still love what I do, but the athletes are angsty about how they perform and what the results would mean for them and the team. The training also get influenced by this, because some try and gain all the components of fitness in that one single session before we test the next day!!  For me personally It means setting up the test and a whole lot of data that needs to be taken, processed, analyzed and reported. In other words a lot of paper work!!!! This is the part I don't like, but is the fundamental part I need to design programmes that really make a difference in my athletes' training. This is also how I not only evaluate them but also my quality of work. So the Pressure is on!! Testing is so important, because the feedback tells us where the programs weakness as well as strength lies and we as supporting staff can brainstorm to produce the best trainin...

1D Thinking Towards A Multidimensional Body

Hi There One thing that really get me going is how we think about the body and "fitness". It is like when it comes to the body we become stupid. Sorry for being crass but we do. Think about it.  If your 5 year old comes to you ans says he/she wants to be a pilot; you do not just allow him/she to fly a plane. No. There is a process. We might encourage  him/she by giving them books and letting them watch movies about the subject.  Firstly there is a knowledge set required and physical training involved. And he/she is going to need to grow up first. This makes sense right?  Why will it be any different with the body? We train the body in increments. We do not just run a 5 km when we haven't even walked 1 km!! How does that makes sense?? There is a process and a set of knowledge involved and some physical training involved!!! We are more than the some of our parts. We have a emotional/motivational aspect to take in account and that is not all. We have p...

The Difference Between Amateur And Champion/Olympian

Hi There  I am a Sport Scientist.  I work with athletes and I have had the honor of interning in the National Rowing Program. I have learned and watched in awe how these Athletes work and strive for gold.  I identify myself as a Sport Scientist and it is where my love and knowledge of movement starts.But foremost, I value the human being and everything we are and can achieve in our very small capacity. I believe this makes me different than most other Sport Scientists.To me the human spirit and attitude can against all odds help us perform and achieve more than what "papers", "data" and even "statistics" show us is possible.I believe this. That said I always tell my athletes that being an athlete is not normal. You are either normal or your an athlete. You can not be both. If you want to read more on why I say this click here .  There is a reason why being the CHAMPION/OLYMPIAN is a BIG deal. I mean if it was easy, believe me I would not be the s...

Having Accountability Works Better

Hi There  My blogging this year is very slow, I want to ask the followers to bear with me. I want to give you quality content to read and I REALLY do believe that what I have ta say can make a difference, And what I have to say is important. That is why I do not want to bombard you with blogs that don't mean anything or just to waffle useless information... That said let us get to this blog. I want to encourage you today to make movement fun. I have been looking a lot at exercise Youtube videos. I have also thought about exercise fads that come and go... Like Tae Bo, Zumba, Insanity  etc. They come because they are fun, they go because we do not get good instruction and most likely get hurt and motivation to keep going gets lost. Following an instructional Dvd or whatever medium your are using does not motivate you to carry on and you get bored. He always says the same thing wears the same thing, nothing changes. Also you are in control of your session and i...