1D Thinking Towards A Multidimensional Body

Hi There

One thing that really get me going is how we think about the body and "fitness". It is like when it comes to the body we become stupid. Sorry for being crass but we do. Think about it. 

If your 5 year old comes to you ans says he/she wants to be a pilot; you do not just allow him/she to fly a plane. No. There is a process.We might encourage him/she by giving them books and letting them watch movies about the subject. Firstly there is a knowledge set required and physical training involved. And he/she is going to need to grow up first. This makes sense right? 

Why will it be any different with the body? We train the body in increments. We do not just run a 5 km when we haven't even walked 1 km!! How does that makes sense?? There is a process and a set of knowledge involved and some physical training involved!!!

We are more than the some of our parts. We have a emotional/motivational aspect to take in account and that is not all. We have physical deficits and traits to consider as well. This does not mean it is impossible to "get fit" or healthy it just means you are unique and we need to follow a different route to success. 

We need to work holistic to become "fit" and healthy. It is a multidimensional project and can not be delt with in a 1 dimensional way. 

So be realistic and follow the process and gain the knowledge! 

Keep Moving until next time👋


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