DO NOT make New Year's Resolutions

Hi There!!!!

Long time no... read? 😕 Anyway, I hope you all had a great festive season and took the time to rest. Remember recovery is important in training thus in our daily lives even more.

Today I want to talk about resolutions... Yes, we all make them, we even resolute to not make resolutions!! But we do.  In my personal blog I talk about #OneWord . Click on the link to read about my #OneWord2017. Also check out my blog for #MyOneWord2018!

I really believe in this way of doing "resolutions". We are creatures of habit. We pick up habits way more, than breaking them. We all know how challenging this is. This is also the reason why we usually fail. When we try to change too much we fail, but if we change in steps we succeed. Think about it. Everything is done in steps. It has a process. 

This is what I want to tell you today. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT make the New Year's Resolution of losing weight!!!! Not only is it a cleshay, but it usually doesn't become a reality. Take the #OneWord approach. Think of ONE thing that you can take across all borders of your life/ lifestyle  and or aspects of your life. Work on that word throughout the year with that focus. Makes it way easier to stick to and achieve goals on more than just one level. Instead of a list of 30 items that half you forget the next day and never achieve. Focus on one theme you can carry through everything. 

Keep Moving until next time👋


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