
Showing posts with the label encouragement

Moving More Than Just The Body. Soul Exercise

Hi There  Do you ever experience the sense that physically you are on top of your game but the rest of our being is just not "there". We usually lose motivation when we feel this way. We usually give up after this. This is where I want to encourage to exercise your soul and mind with your body! This is also why I say that we need to remember we are more than the sum of our parts!  As a Sport Scientist, I remember this when I test my athletes and results are not what was expected, but I see them train every day. As a Personal Trainer, I remember this when clients seem unmotivated and struggle with a programme I know they can master, so we adapt and start talking their mood through :exercising the soul and mind.As I Pilates Instructor, I remember this when my clients seem frustrated and  we just focus on breathing through the movement. Why do you forget that? We are human. We have bad days that does not define our process or what we ...

Rolling With The Punches Just Got Real

Hi There  Sometimes things do not go as planned. In fact they go way, way wrong. As a Sport Scientist I see this alot in the sporting environment. We train towards a goal/tournament and we lose due to a technicality or because of bad behaviour. What we need to understand is that there is so much factors that influence our performance. Most if not all to a degree we have no control over them.  This is why training for all of them is impossible but necessary. All the factors should be brought into training. That is why teams has game plan sessions and strategy planning. Because we need to prepare for the unexpected and unforeseen if possible.  The bad part is even if we train for the unsuspected we still have to deal with the technicalities and roll with the punches. As athletes we can not get hung up on the coach/Referee/officials. We still need to perform under scrutiny. We need to build up resilience and not let anything impact their performance....

Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot

Hi There I want to apologize for missing last week's Muscle Of The Week (again...), but we have a lot of muscles to cover and I would like to go through all of them! This is an overwhelming ask!! We have so many muscles and ALL of them play a role in our movement! I have decided that working alphabetically might be a better way of navigating the muscles! For the brain and body to talk to one another. They need to speak the same language.  For this to happen we need to be conscious  of where the movement originates and what needs to be done. During my time with clients and athletes I have realized that most of them have little to none body awareness.  Now let me be clear. You do not need to understand or have in- depth knowledge to have good body awareness, but it helps tremendously when you at least know where the muscle is and how it works.  So during this series I am going to try and keep it simple. I will provide you with what I deem credible sources th...

Having Accountability Works Better

Hi There  My blogging this year is very slow, I want to ask the followers to bear with me. I want to give you quality content to read and I REALLY do believe that what I have ta say can make a difference, And what I have to say is important. That is why I do not want to bombard you with blogs that don't mean anything or just to waffle useless information... That said let us get to this blog. I want to encourage you today to make movement fun. I have been looking a lot at exercise Youtube videos. I have also thought about exercise fads that come and go... Like Tae Bo, Zumba, Insanity  etc. They come because they are fun, they go because we do not get good instruction and most likely get hurt and motivation to keep going gets lost. Following an instructional Dvd or whatever medium your are using does not motivate you to carry on and you get bored. He always says the same thing wears the same thing, nothing changes. Also you are in control of your session and i...

The Lie We Tell Ourselves

Hi There  The biggest lie we tell ourselves and everyone who asks is.... I HATE EXERCISE... Yes you read correctly. It is a lie you tell everyone and you begin to believe it. Just hear me out. Firstly, usually you do it wrong... Read my last  blog on this matter. (Click this link)  ... and sometimes injure ourselves or over do it to the point that we do not want to go through the PAIN again... not the exercise... the PAIN.  Secondly, how do we know we are getting old or unfit? Isn't funny that we do not always realise or rather it takes us way longer to realise we are fitter than were but it takes us an instant to realise we are losing it? We only think of "exercise" when we realise we are moving harder or becoming tired more often. It is not the action of movement we hate it is the reaction from it because we usually do it wrong. We as human beings love to move. I believe it is a blessing, because we are the only species that do movement consc...

... Why So SERIOUS?

Hi There  Today is an absolutely beautiful day!! I love day like these... Birds chirping, sun shining, cold drinks ans just summer all around!! I love it! I realized that everyone around me looks... grumpy, busy and down. Problem is that we all are busy, but we need to look out of our normal view and expanded to more than just what is next on my list... Look at the birds in the trees, hear them. We are so serious... All the time!!! We take everything serious. We get easily offended....Because we are so serious. This also increases our stress levels, which is not good for our health! So my advise today is to figuratively to let your hair down and just be... Dance around with your loved ones and be a bit silly. Have some fun, not only on weekends, but during the week as well....TODAY!!!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Patience is A Virtue... We All Hate

Hi There  Patience is something we do well. Especially in today's lifestyle. We are rushed at work, we rush to get the kids to their activities, before and after school. Then it is homework, housework and prep work for the next day. Where did you take a breath? Where did you have a chance to laugh and play with the kids?  I think we do not even comprehend what it means to be patient. I also believe this is why we fail when we try new things. You want to learn how to draw, you suck, you stop... within a week or two. We want to become fit, so we run a 10k, when we never even ran 5km! We want to lose weight, so eat less, starve for a week, nothing's changed so we give up.  We want it all now. I totally get this because we are use to getting instant gratification. We don't wait for things we use to. For example before Netflix we had to wait an entire week for the next episode, now we wait 20 seconds and lets be honest you never just watch one episode... ...

From Zemblanity to Serendipity

Hi There  Does anyone feel this way or is it just me... I mean I am suffering with zemblanity... It is almost the end of the year and it feels like I haven't really met all my goals and the time left to achieve them or at least start on them and I would rather not know and not feel like a failure. This is what really gets me going. We automatic focus on the negative!! Instead of looking at it a bit differently. Like what we achieved this year. Maybe you did not lose the weight you wanted, but you started to look after yourself, you started to change your mindset and remember to be healthy is a journey not a destination!!! So let us find serendipity in what we have achieved this far and we still have some time left.  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

A Never Ending... Journey

Hi There  This is the time of the year I love to hate. Everyone is restless and tired at the same time. They want the big holiday, but then realize how much still needs to be done. It is also the time that everybody wants the bikini body for December. Problem is that a summer body is made in the winter. There really is no quick fix to being healthy, feeling and looking good. It is a process. Ironically it never stops! We go on a journey with our being and we discover new elements of ourselves. It is a never ending journey....  Enjoy your Monday and let us move through this week!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

New Beginnings... Getting Personal

Hi There  This blog was never meant to be a "Dear Diary" Blog. I did not want to post personal experiences and thoughts here. I want to inspire people to move and never stop. But the more I blog I realize that the way movement is a part of our being it is automatically personal. As soon as you move as a being it's personal, it is YOU. Also if you have been following this blog you would know I recently connected with my brother (Shout out to Greg and Chimera Dreams) and he just inspired me to keep pushing and moving on. He also challenged me to make #NeverStopMoving bigger than just post about movement but really to show you my passion. MY PASSION which is personal... Thus I decided to keep this blog as it is but the really passionate and personal "stuff" I will post on a different blog ( Please follow me there as well. I will be going more in detail about my passions and why I feel the way I do. Why I believe media...

What I Believe About... Perfection

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Today's topic...Perfection   I believe "Perfection" lies in the imperfections. We cannot know what "perfect" is if we have not been or seen or experienced what imperfect is... Make sense? I also believe to be perfect you need to have been broken or still be. You cannnot be perfect and not have had perfect experiences of everything. I also believe it is an illusion. It is and always will be unattainable and unrealistic. What makes us as humans unique is our imperfections. I also believe that media makes us believe there is a "perfect" but this is not true all it does is hide the imperfections, which causes us to to the same.We need to learn to love our imperfections, as humans and as individuals.  We do not have to be "perfect". W...

What I believe About... Visualization

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Today's topic was inspired by a reader that commented. So here goes. Visualization is an interesting topic. I do believe it is important. I believe that visualization has a place in our training, goal setting. But again it has a part. It is not the be all and end all. I can not "see" myself healthy but I do not "do" anything it is useless. To me it plays a big role in goal setting. Working towards your vision. I also believe that it is a great tool to use during rehab for athlete's ect. It keeps the brain connected to the movement even if the limb is isolated or immovable. Again the power of the mind is what is at play.  I believe that visualization should be seen as a verb, not a noun. We need do DO something to MOVE toward the VISION.  I hop...

Enjoy the Present

Hi There  It is Monday. Just incase you do not know and I am just stating the obvious... Do you ever feel like you have so much to do you are constantly living in and for the future? Where you need to be in the next hour... What you need to do before and in that hour... What's for dinner? We totally forget to live in the present. We need to slow down and BE PRESENT in NOW with what and with who you are doing it. You will never have now again. Even if now seems to be repetitive is is still a now you will never have again. W isolate ourselves by living in the future and not being present. We are so focused on the future we are not living our lives. Life is passing us by and when we have what we pursued we realize we never really lived so many opportunities went and we were to busy to notice.  Live your life now. Be productive today. Be Present.   Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

What I Believe About... Food!!!

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Onward to today's topic... Food! I feel like every topic so far I have loved.Annddd I love food!! I  do not believe in diets and HATE them, but I believe in BALANCE. If I eat let's call it "bad" today I will focus on eating better today and work out a bit harder than I usually do. I also balance how and what I eat with how and why I train/workout. I look at food as follows :We eat to survive not survive to eat. This helps me to discern why am I eating and how I am eating.    I believe food is there to fuel us and make movement possible. I believe that eating should be a joyful activity and that food brings people together.  I believe food should not cause bad feelings and should definitely not cause any anxiety. We should focus on making be...

What I Believe About... Movement

Hi There  I am starting a series where I will be writing about my core beliefs about movement, certain movement types etc. These posts will be published Tuesdays and Thursdays. I want to encourage you to submit questions on my beliefs or even if you want to know what I believe about something. Just leave your requests in the comment section below. That said. Let's start with today's topic. My favorite. Movement. I almost want to skip this part because I pretty sure I have said this before. I love movement. I really do believe we were made to move. We were made to enjoy movement, we find joy in movement. This is my core belief.  Life is movement. Movement is one of the characteristics of life... I belief that movement is within us. It is life!!!  The only challenge is to master it. Which I believe is totally possible! We just need to change our mindset about what the media lets us believe about being healthy. We need to know what our goals are and remember we ar...

Lagom:Just Right

Hi There  We all know the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. I thought it was not to be greedy and to listen to your parents and be happy with what you have.  What do you think the moral of the story is?  Thinking about it now and being more "experienced" in life I think it shows us that what we think we want and need is always what we want and need... We as beings want to be balanced. Our life should be busy, but not too busy, just right. We want to have balance. Am I wrong?  We strive for the feeling of lagom!! I love that lagom says just right, not what is just right. Because I think "just right" means different things to all of us!! It is amazing.  I also believe that we sometimes strive to be "just right" according to others or society and that is not what our " just right" is.  The same with what media tells us is "fit" and "healthy". That all depends on your goal. On your Just Right.  Let us all strive tow...

I'm Fine 😐 (Our Biggest Lie)

Hi There Being fine is not what we must be. We should always aim for good,great or awesome.Sometimes I think we aim for just fine.Usually our fine... Well is not fine at all. It is a word we hide behind all our not fine feelings. When did we start being fine? Why have we moved closer to robots with no feelings being perfect? It is our innate nature to be imperfect! It is in this imperfection where our beauty lies! It is ok not to be fine. Take this weekend to work through your feelings and start  next week feeling good, great or awesome     Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Wanted: Encouragement...Got Enough Critics!!!

Hi There  Do you  sometimes feel that no matter what you do everyone and everywhere there are critics!!! Don't get me wrong I belief in good criticism given with love or care and to build you up. But sometimes it feels that nothing is good enough and the world is against you. I know I feel like that too sometimes. Working with the body is not always easy. Every body is different. Every part of the body is different. Every person is different. The body works the same but different factors influences everyone differently. It is a great challenge. One that I love. Keeps me on my toes.But it is not always easy. People put a lot of pressure on me to help them reach their goals; but it stays their goal. They need to DO the work. I am there every step of the way to encourage you!!! My whole belief of what I do is to ENCOURAGE everyone to MOVE. Find the JOY in  MOVEMENT. If you ever feel the world or you have to many critics; remember me!!! Do it for YO...