Enjoy the Present

Hi There 

It is Monday. Just incase you do not know and I am just stating the obvious... Do you ever feel like you have so much to do you are constantly living in and for the future? Where you need to be in the next hour... What you need to do before and in that hour... What's for dinner? We totally forget to live in the present. We need to slow down and BE PRESENT in NOW with what and with who you are doing it. You will never have now again. Even if now seems to be repetitive is is still a now you will never have again. W isolate ourselves by living in the future and not being present. We are so focused on the future we are not living our lives. Life is passing us by and when we have what we pursued we realize we never really lived so many opportunities went and we were to busy to notice. 
Live your life now. Be productive today. Be Present.  

Keep Moving until next time👋


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