
Showing posts with the label YOU

Moving More Than Just The Body. Soul Exercise

Hi There  Do you ever experience the sense that physically you are on top of your game but the rest of our being is just not "there". We usually lose motivation when we feel this way. We usually give up after this. This is where I want to encourage to exercise your soul and mind with your body! This is also why I say that we need to remember we are more than the sum of our parts!  As a Sport Scientist, I remember this when I test my athletes and results are not what was expected, but I see them train every day. As a Personal Trainer, I remember this when clients seem unmotivated and struggle with a programme I know they can master, so we adapt and start talking their mood through :exercising the soul and mind.As I Pilates Instructor, I remember this when my clients seem frustrated and  we just focus on breathing through the movement. Why do you forget that? We are human. We have bad days that does not define our process or what we ...

You Are The Common Denominator

Hi There  Unfortunately we are the the common denominator in ALL our circumstances, so usually the blame moves to us. A better way to say this is that we internalise it like it is our fault. Disclaimer: not everyone does, we do get blamers that are never at fault and then we get the total opposites that no matter what they take blame; then there ate the oblivious one who just don't get any if; lastly there are those in all the groups that do not have the emotional maturity to know what they are feeling and how it affects them and others. That said we have the power to change all of it. Usually we build our own obstacles around us, not our circumstances. Yes, they play a huge role in our lives and how we perceive everything, but we can choose to bend to our surroundings or bend our mind to change how it affects us.  If your circumstances are confining you do not add to it. Free your mind and start focusing within you and make that change happen. Life our life. Make...

Saorsa- Finding Freedom

Hi There  Sorry for my disappearance. My laptop got stolen 😢😓😟And we all know the headache that comes with. Real life drama that looks and reads so easy in stories but in real life they suck and take time!!!! Getting Personal... This is a very exciting time for me and #NeverStopMovng!!! It is a huge step forward for us. I am starting to give Pilates for pregnant women and I got a premises for this purpose! And you know what all this was clouded by the burglary. I realized that I allowed them to steal my freedom as well.  We do this when we compare our goals, situations and lives with others. We are in control of how we act. What we allow to affect us and how much. Do not let others take away your saorsa. Be saorsa!!  Breath and enjoy the life you have.We only get one!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Rolling With The Punches Just Got Real

Hi There  Sometimes things do not go as planned. In fact they go way, way wrong. As a Sport Scientist I see this alot in the sporting environment. We train towards a goal/tournament and we lose due to a technicality or because of bad behaviour. What we need to understand is that there is so much factors that influence our performance. Most if not all to a degree we have no control over them.  This is why training for all of them is impossible but necessary. All the factors should be brought into training. That is why teams has game plan sessions and strategy planning. Because we need to prepare for the unexpected and unforeseen if possible.  The bad part is even if we train for the unsuspected we still have to deal with the technicalities and roll with the punches. As athletes we can not get hung up on the coach/Referee/officials. We still need to perform under scrutiny. We need to build up resilience and not let anything impact their performance....

Week 5 #2020 Adjusting Our Focus

Hi There Now this is the week where we really start working!! I am so excited!!! This week we are going to start focusing. We are going to focus on how we focus😜!!How do you prioritize? How do you make something the focus? How do you decide what your focus will be. I want you to zoom in on "the Why?".Why is it import? Why focus on....? I want you to dig deep on the process of getting you focus or focus point. Some great reading on this topic is the book Start With Why from Simon Sinek. Your Why is also your motivation. If you know your why, when it gets rough and tough... YOU KNOW WHY you are pushing through!     This week.  WEEK 5 of #2020 What can you do to focus more efficiently? What do you think is the act of focusing? How do you focus. What needs some focus? What is your WHY? Please let me know  Next week (Week 6 of #2020) we will be examining our habits. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌ paypal...!

Hi There On this lovely Tuesday I want to talk about Balance. Here I believe we have no choice.Being balanced is what we strive for in everything. It is a way of life. A way you carry yourself. I believe this balance is the essence of perfection. I also believe in your struggle or strive to maintain balance we learn and become our best. We may not ever reach it in our humanity, but the journey towards it. Is absolutely amazing and an experience so personal; so gratifying and to be honest our life!! For this CHOOSEday there is no CHOICE. Also strive for Balance in every aspect of our being... Our Human beng!! What do you think? Is there a choice?  Keep Moving until  next  tim e 👋

Mucle Of The Week.... Buccinator

Hi There This week's muscle is the Buccinator... It makes me think of the Terminator.... Although it is not pronounced like it.  But none the less sounds awesome!! It also helps me remember where the Buccinator is...Because the terminator loses his face. It is in the face where our cheeks are. In Fact it is the muscle underneath our cheeks! It helps us chew and keeps the cheeks in place. The Buccinator is also one of the  the muscle we learn to control at a very young age, because of it's function. It helps us chew and Suck when we are infants. this muscle helps us whissle as well Buccinator . Follow the link to see video of the buccinator Common Injuries to this muscle is usually dentures that are not fitted correctly or direct trauma to the cheek. I'll be back... Keep Moving!!

Muscle Of The Week... Brachialis

Hi There I just want to take a step back and review what we have learnt so far. First the terminology and then the muscles we have discussed. Remember we just want to know where our muscles are and what function in our movement they play.  Terminology *Abduction/ Abduct- Movement away from the midline of the body  *Proximal- Closest point to the joint *Distal- Furthest point to the joint  *Brevis- Short  *Longus- Long *Inferior- Lower part  *Superior- Upper part  *Flexion- Minimising the angle of the joint  *Adduction- Movement towards the midline of the body  *Brachi- Arm Muscles we have done *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot  *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand *Abductor Hallucis  *Abductor Pollicis Brevis *Abductor Pollicis Longus   *Adductor Brevis *Adductor Hallucis *Adductor Longus *Adductor Magnus *Adductor Pollicis *Anconeus *Articularis Cubiti *Articula...


Hi There It is Chooseday Tuesday time.The second instalment! Today we will talk about choosing the hard way or the smart way. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Hard  What is the hard way? What is considered hard? I mean what is hard for one person might not be for another. But for the purpose of this piece let us define "hard" as an abstract concept as it is.  Smart  Again we have an abstract concept. But I do believe that this has more of consistent meaning. What one sees as smart mostly means the same thing. Let's just say that it has to have ingenuity to be considered smart.    Now on to our tasks of deciding which is better. Can we do both? Like in last week? Can you do it the hard and smart way?  To be truly honest some things are both!  This was put before me by my Mentor. There is always a hard or smart way. The smart way may be hard, but the hard way is never smart.  Before I make a de...

Muscle Of The Week... Biceps Femoris

Hi There This week's muscle is part of the Hammy Group.Affectionately known as the Hammys. But let me be clear. The Hammys are THREE SEPARATE muscles of which one is this week's muscle... The Biceps Femoris.By the name we know it has two "heads" or origins like last week's muscle: The Biceps Brachii  . I have to make a confession...I confused the Biceps Femoris with the Rectus Femoris; which is actually part of the Quads🙈🙊. That is why I love this series. It is a great way to review my anatomy. In a way that does not feel like studying. I mean I used to hate to study Anatomy... Especially because to understand it the best you also need to understand a part of physiology. But you have to study this in parts not as a whole.Which makes it hard, because I am a the whole picture person... Anyway, in my line of work we need to know our Anatomy and the functions there of; but the way we move and how we have adapted causes that some muscle are brought to the fore mo...

Chooseday... Health or Wealth? 😏

Hi There I am introducing a new Series!!!! Chooseday Tuesday. This is where I will play two options against each other and choose which option is the best. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Health  Firstly, I believe we all define health or being healthy differently. To cut this out let's define Health.I just typed in "Health" in Google and this is what Google "said". health /hɛlθ noun noun:  health the state of being free from illness or injury. "he was restored to health" synonyms: good physical condition, healthiness,  fitness , physical fitness,  well-being , haleness, good trim, good shape, fine fettle, good kilter;  More antonyms: illness a person's mental or physical condition. "bad health forced him to retire" synonyms: state of health, physical state, physical health, physical shape,  condition ,...