Chooseday... Health or Wealth? 😏

Hi There

I am introducing a new Series!!!! Chooseday Tuesday. This is where I will play two options against each other and choose which option is the best. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below! 


Firstly, I believe we all define health or being healthy differently. To cut this out let's define Health.I just typed in "Health" in Google and this is what Google "said".

noun: health

  1. the state of being free from illness or injury.
    "he was restored to health"

    synonyms:good physical condition, healthiness, fitness, physical fitness, well-being, haleness, good trim, good shape, fine fettle, good kilter; More

    • a person's mental or physical condition.
      "bad health forced him to retire"

      synonyms:state of health, physical state, physical health, physical shape, conditionconstitutionform
      "bad health forced him to retire"
    • used to express friendly feelings towards one's companions before drinking.
      exclamation: your good health; noun: your health; plural noun: your healths; exclamation: your health

Reading this, I believe we can say that health incorporates the WHOLE being. Not just one aspect of our being but the WHOLE. This is where I believe a misunderstanding takes place. We attribute health to mostly our physical being, more than any other part of our being.
This implies we need to look at our whole being to be classified as healthy.

Secondly, let us also define Wealth as it means different thing to different people same as health above.Googles "says" the following: 

noun: wealth
  1. 1.

    an abundance of valuable possessions or money.
    "he used his considerable wealth to bribe officials"

    synonyms:affluenceprosperityopulencerichesmeanssubstanceluxurywell-beingplentydeep pocketsMore

    • the state of being rich; material prosperity.
      "some people buy boats and cars to display their wealth"

    • plentiful supplies of a particular resource.
      "the country's mineral wealth"
  2. 2.

    a plentiful supply of a particular desirable thing.
    "the tables and maps contain a wealth of information"

    synonyms:abundanceprofusionplethoraminestoretreasury, copiousness, plenitudeamplitudebountycornucopiaMore
  3. 3.
Here we see that wealth is define as physical but it makes room for the "non- physical" aspects. 

Now that we know what health and wealth means let us begin. 

Can we be in good health and have wealth? Can our health be our wealth and visa-versa? Do we need to CHOOSE? Can we have both? 

For me the definition of health is more open to interpretation than the definition of wealth. Wealth is almost in our face abundance!!! I also believe that we make the connection that wealth is bad!  Too much of a good is bad! Being Healthy is a doing word. To be healthy is to be aware of more than just your physical needs, but needs of your WHOLE being. Thus it takes time and work to achieve. I do believe the same counts for wealth. But with wealth one can be born into this state, but it also requires work to stay in that state. It does not just appear. On the other side one can be born with good genes (genetics), but that does not mean, sickness and injuries will not occur. 

My point is there is good and bad factors about health and wealth, but that they are not opposites. We can be both HEALTHY and WEALTHY at the same time. Also they can have the same meaning. 

The worst thing we can do is use our health too chase wealth and later use our wealth to pay for our health. Both should be on the same level of importance and focus. We need both to achieve our ultimate goal of health and wealth. Both to proser.

I CHOOSE both!! 

What are your thoughts? Did I miss something?  

Thank You  

Keep Moving until next timeπŸ‘‹


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