
Showing posts with the label For You


Hi There It is Chooseday Tuesday time!This time it is about choosing You or Others... For You or For Others!  Again we are focusing on abstract concepts. Which I love!!! I love it because it makes you think why you believe or behave the way you do!. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Firstly we need to decide what each of these concepts mean. What does for me mean? When do you do things for yourself purely for you. For me? What does for others mean? When and what do you do others? What makes you feel good? Doing things for others or yourself?  If you asked me this question a few months ago my answer would have been totally different. I would have said that you should do everything for others! They make you feel good. They validate you. Now I want to slap myself that I ever thought that!! I validate myself, I make myself feel good!! Not others!.  I believe that again do BOTH!!! Do things for yourself to grow and be healthy. If it ne...


Hi There It is Chooseday Tuesday time.The second instalment! Today we will talk about choosing the hard way or the smart way. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Hard  What is the hard way? What is considered hard? I mean what is hard for one person might not be for another. But for the purpose of this piece let us define "hard" as an abstract concept as it is.  Smart  Again we have an abstract concept. But I do believe that this has more of consistent meaning. What one sees as smart mostly means the same thing. Let's just say that it has to have ingenuity to be considered smart.    Now on to our tasks of deciding which is better. Can we do both? Like in last week? Can you do it the hard and smart way?  To be truly honest some things are both!  This was put before me by my Mentor. There is always a hard or smart way. The smart way may be hard, but the hard way is never smart.  Before I make a de...

Muscle Of The Week... Adductor Pollicis

Hi There How are you experiencing this series? I must say I am actually enjoying this. It is almost like revising my university anatomy, only this time with less stress. I believe this is why I am having so much fun with this series. I am even incorporating The Muscle Of The Week in my programmes I design for my clients and athletes!! I hope you are learning more about the physical side you are constructed of. I am starting another series on my FaceBook Group #NeverStopMoving Q & A WEDNESDAY. Where YOU can ask me anything that has to do with movement and my personal blog!   On to this week's muscle... Adductor Pollicis This is the last muscle's name that start with "adductor". This also tells us that it is the muscle's main but NOT only function. Also by seeing the name it should tells us where the muscle is... Pollicis meaning Pollex which is thumb in latin. So we are talking about a muscle that adducts the thumb. Remember when talking about "car...

You Can Not Change What You Do Not Know

Hi There  To make a change we need to be be conscious of what you need to change. You can not change what you don't know.  So taking that first step in admitting that a change is needed is a very big step towards the change.  Another thing we need to keep in mind is that change is a process. EVERYTHING is a PROCESS. Change takes time and follows a specific process.  Making small changes and building on them is the best way to change. It doesn't just happen. So let us become conscious and make a change by starting small and manageable, building on your successes.   Consciousness is key. Have a great weekend!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Movement should be apart of your daily routine

Hi There  We are all busy and have a lot on our plates, but I think it is time to look at our routines. Are we being busy or productive? Because to be honest it is easy to be busy, but it is hard being productive. Busy can be tiring and you never get anything done. Being productive means to complete your goal.  Think about it productive people always seem to have so much free time, they are never stress out all the time! Incorporating movement into your day helps burn off the stress and gives you more energy and blood flowing through the brain to focus on being productive!! As a mind shift I also recommend that we all stop saying we are busy, but that we start being productive and creative with our time!  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Wise Words...Forever is Composed Of Nows

Hi There What a week it has been and it is only the second day😑! I always have a mixed relationship towards these type of weeks. Yes relationship, our lives are comprised of relationships. These weeks makes me feel super productive (If I am that is a whole other story), time flies and I get super tired even overwhelmed. During these times so many "priorities","To-Do's"and time for myself and enjoyment fade and gets move to "next week" or "next time" and our favorite "tomorrow" ( the one that never comes). We forget that every single task we do trickles down to our "forever". Our future is comprised of what we are doing now! It is not good to keep on moving time for ourselves to whenever  we will end up never doing the small things that really contribute to our well being. Like making movement a priority and keep it one even during the rough weeks!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

We Are Free To Choose, But Not From The Consequence

Hi There I absolutely love this picture.The words are so true!! We are so focused on choice we forget that all choices has consequences; good or bad. We have to live with it. It is the exact way the body works. Every movement or lack thereof has an impact. This "impact" builds up through the years, months,weeks or even days. We also have some risk factors thrown in with it as well as genetics ( predisposal towards certain diseases 😕 ). We cannot control everything and we are not free from your choices, but we can do our best. Choose small changes. Remember it is all in the mind.    Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Wanted: Encouragement...Got Enough Critics!!!

Hi There  Do you  sometimes feel that no matter what you do everyone and everywhere there are critics!!! Don't get me wrong I belief in good criticism given with love or care and to build you up. But sometimes it feels that nothing is good enough and the world is against you. I know I feel like that too sometimes. Working with the body is not always easy. Every body is different. Every part of the body is different. Every person is different. The body works the same but different factors influences everyone differently. It is a great challenge. One that I love. Keeps me on my toes.But it is not always easy. People put a lot of pressure on me to help them reach their goals; but it stays their goal. They need to DO the work. I am there every step of the way to encourage you!!! My whole belief of what I do is to ENCOURAGE everyone to MOVE. Find the JOY in  MOVEMENT. If you ever feel the world or you have to many critics; remember me!!! Do it for YO...

Push Yourself For YOURSELF Because No One Else Is Going To

Hi There  We are halfway through the year! 😲 Can you believe it? It really is true, time moves quickly. Usually around this time I try to make time to reflect on the past six months. Have I reached my goals? What has happened (good or bad) that I did not expect? What is the path forward? I renew and review my goals and motivate myself to reach them.  We need to remember that no one can do it for us. We need to Do the WORK. We need to PUSH ourselves  for OURSELVES! No one else!  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋