Wise Words...Forever is Composed Of Nows

Hi There

What a week it has been and it is only the second day😑! I always have a mixed relationship towards these type of weeks. Yes relationship, our lives are comprised of relationships. These weeks makes me feel super productive (If I am that is a whole other story), time flies and I get super tired even overwhelmed. During these times so many "priorities","To-Do's"and time for myself and enjoyment fade and gets move to "next week" or "next time" and our favorite "tomorrow" ( the one that never comes). We forget that every single task we do trickles down to our "forever". Our future is comprised of what we are doing now! It is not good to keep on moving time for ourselves to whenever we will end up never doing the small things that really contribute to our well being. Like making movement a priority and keep it one even during the rough weeks!!

Keep Moving until next time👋


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