
Hi There

When we think of relationships, we usually think between a couple.But we as human being are in relationship with EVERYTHING around us. Yes even non-living things. We are in a relationship with food and how we utilize it. We are in a relationship with our clothes; how we wear it and why we wear it. We are even in a relationship with ourselves. Think about it, we call it "self-esteem". Relationship means how we relate, and we relate with everything. Science is trying to figure out relationships.  
This is why becoming fit and healthy has more to do with the WHOLE you and not just a part of you. Attitude towards it plays a huge role. This is usually why our 100's of diets fail and promises to start moving more. We try to change one part of 10 000's. The whole systems has to change. Believe it or not our bodies work in relationship; it all comes together, but it is different systems that work in RELATIONSHIP with each other.
Remember to work in relationship with your body on your journey towards health, build a good relationship with your body and it takes time, effort and understanding just like all our emotional relationships do!!

Keep Moving until next time👋 


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