Week 14 #2020 As simple as ... Breathing

Hi There In today's society everything is so fast and the focus is more shallow. It is like we do not have time to dig deeper in the world and people around us. We live around each other. I have noticed that we even breathe shallow. After all it is easy and natural. Simple. Bty breathing correctly we can lower our anxiety levels, feel calm and reduce our stress hormone levels Here is a video that shows how to breathe correctly. This week let's just BREATHE. . WEEK 14 of #2020 What has been the most eye opening #2020Realization you have made so far? Are you learning anything? Are you making some changes? What do you do for fun? But like that is healthy-ish? Next week (Week 15 of #2020) Let's have fun Thanks for reading!! Please share our thoughts? #NeverStopMoving Keep Moving 👋✌ paypal.me/JeanMarieRoux www.patreon.com/NeverStopMoving 💨💨💨💨