Week 6 #2020 Identifying our Habits - Good or Bad

Hi There

Now that we are aware of how we focus. How we process the act of deciding what our focus is. Let us focus on our  habits. Not just the bad ones like we always do. No, we are going to identify good and bad habits. Make a list of these habits. Remember this is for you. NO ONE ELSE. I want you to choose ONE. And I am going to challenge you to focus on one GOOD habit. Just because we do not usually focus on our good habits. This week try to reinforce the good habit. Each week add another to focus on. Then start adding NEW GOOD habits. 
This week. 

WEEK 6 of #2020

Were you just focusing on your bad habits? Why? Are you going to accept my challenge and focus on a good one? Reinforce it? What was the ratio of good vs. bad habits? 

Next week (Week 7 of #2020) we are going to talk about.... H2O.

Thanks for reading!! 


Keep Moving 👋✌



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