What I Believe About... Goals and Goal Setting

Hi There

Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Today's topic... Goals and goal setting.

This is another topic close to my heart. I get so... passionate... about this topic. Believe it or not your goal is the difference of how you train. Your goal is the science in exercise. That is the secret. Movement and the how and why behind it is what makes us different. We all move. We kind of have to to be considered alive. Like I've said before movement is life. 
A goal is precise but permeable. That is why our goal should be clear and well defined and yes, planned. When we make career goals we have a set plan, we "train"  for that goal. Why would this be different when we creating goals for our body or health? A goal should also be realistic.

This BEING REALISTIC is where the trouble comes in when we are making goals for our body.  We see a person and our goal is to look like that. Which it fine if you are going to do what that person does. Let me try and explain what I mean by this. We cannot use Achilles as our inspiration or goal, because we do not have the time and help that Brad Pitt  had to become Achilles, unless that is not the case, then it is an realistic goal. 
If a client tells me I want to be like.... He needs to be willing to do what ... does to look or be like... 
That is why we need to be precise.
I know what it takes to be the world's best athlete, and there is a reason I am not. I am not willing to do what it takes (discipline) and that tells me I do not have what it takes. That is the truth. But I want to be strong and healthy. That is realistic and I can actually achieve this. 

My main point that I am trying to make is that we should not want to be like ... we should want to be the best US. The best version of YOU. The one no one can be but YOU. That should be our inspiration and when we can do this our goals become realistic and most of all REACHABLE.

What do you think? Do you agree with me? Do you think media plays a role in our goal setting? Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on this? 

Keep Moving until next time👋


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