Im Back... Listen to Your Body...

Hi There

Sorry for disappearing. I was sick in a bad way!! But here I am better and ready for action. 

As I mentioned before this is usually a stressful time for most of us. I think it is important to remember to even though we have a lot on our plate; we need to rest. If we do not our bodies will force us and this is not good. It is not healthy to push the body to this limit. 

We need to learn to communicate with our bodies. Get the brain and body talk the same language. We need to listen to the body, just like the body has to listen to the brain. The brain should be in charge but should also instinctively know to where the body can be pushed in any aspect of life. Literally every aspect of our being. This is what makes the brain-body relationship very delicate. It is hard to cultivate and this is the very essence of where movement patterns need to change, where conscious thought needs to enter the relationship. It all begins with what we think!

Work in time to rest and remember the difference between being busy and productive!! 

Let us all have a great productive week💪  

Keep Moving until next time👋


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