
Showing posts with the label Commitment

Saorsa- Finding Freedom

Hi There  Sorry for my disappearance. My laptop got stolen 😢😓😟And we all know the headache that comes with. Real life drama that looks and reads so easy in stories but in real life they suck and take time!!!! Getting Personal... This is a very exciting time for me and #NeverStopMovng!!! It is a huge step forward for us. I am starting to give Pilates for pregnant women and I got a premises for this purpose! And you know what all this was clouded by the burglary. I realized that I allowed them to steal my freedom as well.  We do this when we compare our goals, situations and lives with others. We are in control of how we act. What we allow to affect us and how much. Do not let others take away your saorsa. Be saorsa!!  Breath and enjoy the life you have.We only get one!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Rolling With The Punches Just Got Real

Hi There  Sometimes things do not go as planned. In fact they go way, way wrong. As a Sport Scientist I see this alot in the sporting environment. We train towards a goal/tournament and we lose due to a technicality or because of bad behaviour. What we need to understand is that there is so much factors that influence our performance. Most if not all to a degree we have no control over them.  This is why training for all of them is impossible but necessary. All the factors should be brought into training. That is why teams has game plan sessions and strategy planning. Because we need to prepare for the unexpected and unforeseen if possible.  The bad part is even if we train for the unsuspected we still have to deal with the technicalities and roll with the punches. As athletes we can not get hung up on the coach/Referee/officials. We still need to perform under scrutiny. We need to build up resilience and not let anything impact their performance....

Week 4 #2020Think Big, Start Small

Hi There  What we do today has an impact in our future. We all know this. We remember this with the "big" things; but it is also true for all the little/small things we do. Like drinking more water, eating better, moving more than usual. It is in the small changes that we make where our big successes comes from. When we think big it overwhelms us, but that is the big picture not the process or journey towards our success.When we reach success; people don't ask about how you got there. You are just seen as successful.But there is ALWAYS a path ,Journey ,Process that was followed and it is NEVER easy or WITHOUT STRUGGLE, FAILURE PLATO's Etc. This Journey is for you and what you can achieve being balanced and healthy throughout your life.  Always keep the big picture in mind;but focus on the process, the journey.  Start Analyzing the small things you do that prevents success? How can you change it? What Small thing can you do to make a big impact on your ...


Hi There I love this week's options! On that note.... Any options you might want to add?  I want to make a choice between being happy and being content.  Is there a difference or are they the same?  Let us go to Google for help. happy Dictionary result for happy /ˈhapi/ adjective adjective: happy; comparative adjective: happier; superlative adjective: happiest; suffix: -happy 1. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. "Melissa came in looking happy and excited" synonyms: contented ,  content ,  cheerful ,  cheery ,  merry ,  joyful ,  jovial ,  jolly ,  joking ,  jocular ,  gleeful ,  carefree ,  untroubled ,  delighted ,  smiling ,  beaming ,  grinning ,  glowing ,  satisfied , gratified,  buoyant ,  radiant ,  sunny ,  blithe ,  joyous ,  beatific ,  blessed ;  More ...

Muscle Of The Week... Biceps Brachii

Hi There Finally we have a muscle that most people have heard of and have an idea of where it is located!!! It is the muscle we use to show people our strength!💪Especially when we are young! Why, I am not sure. I believe it is because we do not usually have a lot of fat covering the muscle so it is easy to feel and see. The perception then is if it can be felt and see one is strong or lean.  I am excited to talk about a more "well-known" muscle!!! The Biceps Brachii has two heads, hence the name. It has two origin points.  Biceps Brachii   I have found a beautiful video explaining the muscle please click here to see it.  Common Injuries  Because of it where the Biceps Brachii has two origins and both pulls the arm in different ways/directions. It can play a role in rotator cuff injuries. These injuries can be any restriction the the 360° movement of the shoulder.It also can be any of the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint....

Muscle Of The Week... Anconeus

Hi There Since last week's muscle was the last of the adductor name groups. I think a quick recap of what we have learnt thus far. Terminology *Abduction/ Abduct *Proximal *Distal *Brevis *Longus *Inferior *Flexion *Adduction Muscles we have done *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot  *Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand *Abductor Hallucis  *Abductor Pollicis Brevis *Abductor Pollicis Longus   *Adductor Brevis *Adductor Hallucis *Adductor Longus *Adductor Magnus *Adductor Pollicis Muscles Of The Week... Anconeus. KenHub explains the Anconeus as follows ": The Anconeus muscle is a small, triangular muscle located at the elbow. It originates at the dorsal (back) side of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and inserts at the olecranon of the ulna. The Anconeus lies superficially and can be palpated at the dorsal, lateral side of the forearm near the elbow. The Anconeus contraction leads to extension of the...

Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Pollicis Brevis

Hi There We are busy with all the ABductor muscles. This means muscles that pulls movement away from the mid line of the body! Abduct- The smart way to clarify any movement that is done away from the mid line of the body or extremity. Easy way to remember is that aliens abduct humans FROM earth TO space. So the movement we are carrying out moves away FROM the midline TO where the movement takes place.  I also think of a Jumping Jack to explain this movement. As we jump out with out legs and swing arm open and over we are abducting the legs and arms. Proximal means  nearest point the joint  Distal means furthers point from the joint Abductor Pollicis Brevis KenHub explains the Abductor Pollicis Brevis as follows ":This muscle arises from the tubercles of the scaphoid and trapezium, and from the flexor retinaculum. Its short tendon courses to the base of the proximal phalanx and the dorsal aponeurosis of the thumb via the radial sesamoid bone. The abductor pollici...