Muscle Of The Week... Anconeus

Hi There

Since last week's muscle was the last of the adductor name groups. I think a quick recap of what we have learnt thus far.


*Abduction/ Abduct

Muscles we have done

*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot 
*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand
*Abductor Hallucis 
*Abductor Pollicis Brevis
*Abductor Pollicis Longus  
*Adductor Brevis
*Adductor Hallucis
*Adductor Longus
*Adductor Magnus
*Adductor Pollicis

Muscles Of The Week... Anconeus.

KenHub explains the Anconeus as follows": The Anconeus muscle is a small, triangular muscle located at the elbow. It originates at the dorsal (back) side of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and inserts at the olecranon of the ulna. The Anconeus lies superficially and can be palpated at the dorsal, lateral side of the forearm near the elbow. The Anconeus contraction leads to extension of the forearm, keeps the tension of the dorsal joint capsule, thus preventing hyperextension and stabilizes the ulna especially during pronation. 

Follow link for a video for the anatomy.

Most common injuries: Tennis and Golfer's Elbow

Keep Moving until next time👋


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