Week 2 #2020OneWord

Hi There I told you last time that I do not like to set goals or resolutions.For Goals to work for me they need to be concise and have a structure and that takes planning. Not just another To-Do list. I believe this is why we (me in particular) do not always reach our goals. BUT I do believe having goals is important. It gives everything we do Purpose. So this is what I do. And to give credit where credit is due. My mentor is the one that got me into this. She is amazing. I use the #OneWord --Let's call it "system"-- I have personally used it now for 3 years and I'll be carry on this year. Click here for my #OneWord . Using this system is easy and my goals get reached without having 300 separate goals and I STICK to it. . Here is how it works. Usually by October each year I start reflecting and also put some energy and thought in what I want to focus on next year. Keeping in mind that I have only one word that needs to be inclusive of EVERYTHING. My ONE FO...