
Showing posts with the label Stress

Muscle Of The Week:... Trapezius

Hi There I am starting a new series. I want people to learn more about the body and how it works. I talk about the brain and body needing to learn to talk to one another. They need to speak the same language. During my time with clients and athletes I have realized that most of them have little to none body awareness.  Now let me be clear. You do not need to understand or have in- depth knowledge to have good body awareness, but it helps tremendously when you at least know where the muscle is and how it works.  So during this series I am going to try and keep it simple. I will provide you with what I deem credible sources that I use/d during my studies and ongoing quest to fully understand movement. This week's muscle is the Trapezius Muscle. I believe this is one of the muscles a lot of people do not understand and causes a lot of discomfort. This is what I call the stress muscle, because it seems this is where we carry our tension. Our work environment...

Movement should be apart of your daily routine

Hi There  We are all busy and have a lot on our plates, but I think it is time to look at our routines. Are we being busy or productive? Because to be honest it is easy to be busy, but it is hard being productive. Busy can be tiring and you never get anything done. Being productive means to complete your goal.  Think about it productive people always seem to have so much free time, they are never stress out all the time! Incorporating movement into your day helps burn off the stress and gives you more energy and blood flowing through the brain to focus on being productive!! As a mind shift I also recommend that we all stop saying we are busy, but that we start being productive and creative with our time!  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Getting Personal... Again... Putting Too Much Pressure On Yourself

Hi There  Why do we always think negative first?  I consider myself a pretty positive person, but I also think and tend to focus on all that can go wrong instead of going right. There are so many things that need to fall in place and you know what? I am stressing about what could go wrong!! That means I am stressing about stuff that has not happened yet!!!! How crazy is that!!! I am literally wasting time and negatively impacting my health and people around me!!! On purpose!!  Easier said than done, but we need to breathe. Prepare for negative things but focus on the positive. Not put pressure on yourself, the world puts enough pressure on us. We do not have to add to that!   . Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

It's Friday!! Allow Yourself To Rest

Hi There  It's FRIDAY!!! I want to encourage you to rest on weekends! To balance out your week. Catch up on social activities (not media) and unwind! Again this is easier said than done... Sometimes I feel like weekends are busier than our weekday's activities!! We need balance in our lives. We all know this. You need to allow yourself to rest and even out your activities of the week. It is important to unwind and de-stress. Make some awesome memories with the fam and friends. Just be for a few hours and you will be amazed how this will increase your productivity during the week. Take care of yourself and be an example to the ones around you!! Go Make Awesome Stories!    Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Stress Is Stress Is Stress 😖

Hi there We are going to talk about... You have guessed it... Stress. What I am going to tell you might be something different that we don't hear everyday. Your body experiences stress exactly the same way. The problem is that we as beings experience different kinds of stress. We experience emotional stress, work stress, mental stress, physical stress and the list can go on. We understand the difference but the body does not. It experiences all of that stress the exact same way. the same hormones are excreted  every time we stress no matter what type we experience. This is why movement and exercise is so important. While exercise is also seen as stress to the body, the physiological changes within the body to cope with this stress is what is seen to relieve stress. This is why if we don't exercise or move more the stress hormones build up in our bodies over time and this is very bad.It is also why we feel better after a bout of movement or exercise, the feel...