Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Pollicis Longus
Hi There We are busy with all the ABductor muscles. This means muscles that pulls movement away from the mid line of the body! Abduct- The smart way to clarify any movement that is done away from the mid line of the body or extremity. Easy way to remember is that aliens abduct humans FROM earth TO space. So the movement we are carrying out moves away FROM the midline TO where the movement takes place. I also think of a Jumping Jack to explain this movement. As we jump out with out legs and swing arm open and over we are abducting the legs and arms. Proximal means nearest point the joint Distal means furthers point from the joint This week we add Brevis to the list of descriptive words in anatomy. Brevis is the Latin word that means "short" and this brings us to Longus, which ; you've guessed it..."long". Our list so far: Abduction,Proximal,Distal,Brevis...and Longus!! Remember professionals need a language that can be understood internationall...