
Showing posts with the label #2020OneWord

Is Anybody Else Worried?

Hi There  I am worried... Not the freak out....It's the end of the world😟😟😟😟... worried. Just worried. I have spoken to people who will never be the same; will never act "normal" again because of Covid19.  Will we ever hug, shake hands with people we are not that familiar with? How are we going to play sport? Rugby with 15 balls... Does not make sense? Will we become one of those Utopia Cities that everyone looks dull and the same and there are so many rules to keep us "safe".... But actually it is all about keeping control.... Like in the movies?  Who will safe us from that future??!! We all know it is bad because the city never wins in the movies...  I do not want a "new normal". I want "yeah we survived THAT", I want no fear of the person next to or behind you. No fear. To just live and maybe be more cautious and wash my hands more...  I am worried how this will influence sport, fitness and health. Because I believe sweat is good for y...

Week 14 #2020 As simple as ... Breathing

Hi There In today's society everything is so fast and the focus is more shallow. It is like we do not have time to dig deeper in the world and people around us. We live around each other. I have noticed that we even breathe shallow. After all it is easy and natural. Simple.  Bty breathing correctly we can lower our anxiety levels, feel calm and reduce our stress hormone levels  Here is a video that shows how to breathe correctly. This week let's just BREATHE. . WEEK 14 of #2020 What has been the most eye opening #2020Realization you have made so far? Are you learning anything? Are you making some changes? What do you do for fun? But like that is healthy-ish?  Next week (Week 15 of #2020)  Let's have fun Thanks for reading!!  Please share our thoughts?  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving πŸ‘‹✌ πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨

Week 12 #2020 Ohhhhh I want to DANCE with somebody!!

Hi There Now this is where the fun starts. The real #Realization of changing how we look at EVERYTHING HEALTH. This is also the part I love. Because it is so much more than just being conscious of our sleep, diet and exercise. I also believe this is why we fail, because it starts as a to-do list. That is not how a healthy lifestyle works. Or even being happy works. It is a state of being. And that is what we are trying to achieve not the to-do list to get there!! Don't get me wrong; diet and sleep etc. are important and should be controlled but it is not the be-all of being healthy. If you follow this blog or my personal blog  you would know that I believe it is a journey to become and stay healthy.  This week I want you to DANCE as your "cardio" session. I want you to be creative. Grab your kids and make memories. Dance and jump with them on your favorite song and play it loud! Laugh at your own or their moves! Show them that Mom and Dad can have fun! Play one song, pl...

Week 11 #2020 Fruit & Veg...Inseparable Couple?

Hi There I just want to hear how it went adding these two to our diet? Have you notice any changes? Any Recipes? Please share with me. Thank You WEEK 11 of #2020 Next week (Week 12 of #2020) We Mooove   away from our diets and start with adding Movement to our days!!! Thanks for reading!!  Please share our thoughts?  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving πŸ‘‹✌

Week 5 #2020 Adjusting Our Focus

Hi There Now this is the week where we really start working!! I am so excited!!! This week we are going to start focusing. We are going to focus on how we focus😜!!How do you prioritize? How do you make something the focus? How do you decide what your focus will be. I want you to zoom in on "the Why?".Why is it import? Why focus on....? I want you to dig deep on the process of getting you focus or focus point. Some great reading on this topic is the book Start With Why from Simon Sinek. Your Why is also your motivation. If you know your why, when it gets rough and tough... YOU KNOW WHY you are pushing through!     This week.  WEEK 5 of #2020 What can you do to focus more efficiently? What do you think is the act of focusing? How do you focus. What needs some focus? What is your WHY? Please let me know  Next week (Week 6 of #2020) we will be examining our habits. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving πŸ‘‹✌ paypal...