Is Anybody Else Worried?

Hi There 

I am worried...

Not the freak out....It's the end of the world😟😟😟😟... worried. Just worried.
I have spoken to people who will never be the same; will never act "normal" again because of Covid19. 

Will we ever hug, shake hands with people we are not that familiar with?
How are we going to play sport? Rugby with 15 balls... Does not make sense? Will we become one of those Utopia Cities that everyone looks dull and the same and there are so many rules to keep us "safe".... But actually it is all about keeping control.... Like in the movies? 
Who will safe us from that future??!! We all know it is bad because the city never wins in the movies... 

I do not want a "new normal". I want "yeah we survived THAT", I want no fear of the person next to or behind you. No fear. To just live and maybe be more cautious and wash my hands more... 

I am worried how this will influence sport, fitness and health. Because I believe sweat is good for you and some of our greatest physical actives comes with sweat.

I am worried that even though I want to live like we did Pre- Covid . It is just not possible. 

Anyone else feel this way? Worried?    

Keep Moving!πŸ‘‹

Jean-Marie' Roux



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