
Hi There

It is Chooseday Tuesday time.The second instalment! Today we will talk about choosing the hard way or the smart way. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below! 


What is the hard way? What is considered hard? I mean what is hard for one person might not be for another. But for the purpose of this piece let us define "hard" as an abstract concept as it is. 


Again we have an abstract concept. But I do believe that this has more of consistent meaning. What one sees as smart mostly means the same thing. Let's just say that it has to have ingenuity to be considered smart.   

Now on to our tasks of deciding which is better. Can we do both? Like in last week? Can you do it the hard and smart way?  To be truly honest some things are both! 

This was put before me by my Mentor. There is always a hard or smart way. The smart way may be hard, but the hard way is never smart. 
Before I make a decision I always ask myself:"Hard way or Smart way". When I make the choice I may not complain because I made he choice. In some cases I may decide to backtrack and do the smart thing.

Doing the smart thing does not mean it will be easy, sometimes it will others it won't.By going the smart way it means to think before you commit or before you just start. You really think about what is need and what needs to be done!

This week I CHOOSE 


What are your thoughts? Did I miss something?  

Thank You  

Keep Moving until next time👋


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