
Showing posts with the label Health

You Are The Common Denominator

Hi There  Unfortunately we are the the common denominator in ALL our circumstances, so usually the blame moves to us. A better way to say this is that we internalise it like it is our fault. Disclaimer: not everyone does, we do get blamers that are never at fault and then we get the total opposites that no matter what they take blame; then there ate the oblivious one who just don't get any if; lastly there are those in all the groups that do not have the emotional maturity to know what they are feeling and how it affects them and others. That said we have the power to change all of it. Usually we build our own obstacles around us, not our circumstances. Yes, they play a huge role in our lives and how we perceive everything, but we can choose to bend to our surroundings or bend our mind to change how it affects us.  If your circumstances are confining you do not add to it. Free your mind and start focusing within you and make that change happen. Life our life. Make...

What Happened !!

H i There  It feels totally unreal. I don't know what to say or even where to start. I had a plan. I wanted to build my blog and post regularly. I planned out my posts. I wrote them and scheduled them to go out automatically. I was so proud of how I started 2020 in a positive and with an actual path planned out. I NEVER do that. Usually the intent is there but never much action. This time there were both!!  WHAT HAPPENED.... Corona Virus... HAPPENED Novel - Corona Virus 19... HAPPENED Covid- 19... HAPPENED Covid SARS 2 ... HAPPENED Whatever you want to call it... IT HAPPENED  The whole world went on LOCK-DOWN.It is a world event that we will tell our kids about... The Pandemic that changed the world. That we lived through it.  With this I want to stay positive and I want to encourage you to take this time, this event, to remember what freedom means to us as beings and that our health should be the biggest and  most important investment you have to make...

Week 4 #2020Think Big, Start Small

Hi There  What we do today has an impact in our future. We all know this. We remember this with the "big" things; but it is also true for all the little/small things we do. Like drinking more water, eating better, moving more than usual. It is in the small changes that we make where our big successes comes from. When we think big it overwhelms us, but that is the big picture not the process or journey towards our success.When we reach success; people don't ask about how you got there. You are just seen as successful.But there is ALWAYS a path ,Journey ,Process that was followed and it is NEVER easy or WITHOUT STRUGGLE, FAILURE PLATO's Etc. This Journey is for you and what you can achieve being balanced and healthy throughout your life.  Always keep the big picture in mind;but focus on the process, the journey.  Start Analyzing the small things you do that prevents success? How can you change it? What Small thing can you do to make a big impact on your ...

Chooseday... Health or Wealth? 😏

Hi There I am introducing a new Series!!!! Chooseday Tuesday. This is where I will play two options against each other and choose which option is the best. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below!  Health  Firstly, I believe we all define health or being healthy differently. To cut this out let's define Health.I just typed in "Health" in Google and this is what Google "said". health /hɛlθ noun noun:  health the state of being free from illness or injury. "he was restored to health" synonyms: good physical condition, healthiness,  fitness , physical fitness,  well-being , haleness, good trim, good shape, fine fettle, good kilter;  More antonyms: illness a person's mental or physical condition. "bad health forced him to retire" synonyms: state of health, physical state, physical health, physical shape,  condition ,...

Muscle Of The Week... Aryepiglotticus

Hi There The body is amazing and very complex. If you have been following this series you can see that we truly are more then the sum of our parts, and we do have a lot of parts!! We are almost done with all the "A" muscles!! This week's muscle is another tough one. But before we go on this muscle is one of the muscles that helps us swallow. So it is located in our throats. On a side note: I love that this brings us back to how we are put together to survive and for me personally we are more than just muscle moving but we are also moving too  Aryepiglotticus Follow link for a video   for the anatomy of the larynx .  Please follow the links to see my sources. I want to give credit to all of them. Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

RECOVERY: Something to PRIORITIZE in 2018!

Hi There Recovery is an important part of training and life. As humans we need rest. If we do not rest we die or suffer serious health issues.This fact should show that recovery should be planned and prioritized in our life.  As a Sport Scientist, I am going to explain recovery in terms of Training and because this science has to do with enhancing performance it is easy to see that recovery has the same importance in normal regular life. Again I am going to explain it as simple as possible. I am not going to use big words to try and convince you I am smart and you should listen to me. I want you to understand that taking some time to recover, (whether it is mentally, physically, spiritually ect. because we are more than just one thing, we are more than the sum of or parts!) is important and should be prioritized.  As a Sport Scientist, I measure "fitness" by how quick you recover from exertion. The quicker you recover the "more fit" you are. In other words: ...

It Is OK To Rest

Hi There  It is getting close to the end of the year. Depending on where you live, holiday season is upon us! The year has flown by! So many new adventures began and some are starting and... some are ending.  Isn't is amazing that we can have all three at the same time with different or even the same aspects of our lives! This is the complex beings we are! I absolutely love the complicated mess we are and at the same time organized!! Most of us start shutting down this time of year. We just want to finish, does not matter how as long as we finish.  I just want to say one thing. We must remember we are not perfect beings, we cannot do everything perfect. We strive for this and personally I believe this is why we are seeing the increase of burn out- even in our kids! Society makes us believe we need to be perfect in every aspect and way in our life. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. It should be our vision NOT our goal. What is the difference? "A vision is an unreachable id...

What I Believe About... Perfection

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Today's topic...Perfection   I believe "Perfection" lies in the imperfections. We cannot know what "perfect" is if we have not been or seen or experienced what imperfect is... Make sense? I also believe to be perfect you need to have been broken or still be. You cannnot be perfect and not have had perfect experiences of everything. I also believe it is an illusion. It is and always will be unattainable and unrealistic. What makes us as humans unique is our imperfections. I also believe that media makes us believe there is a "perfect" but this is not true all it does is hide the imperfections, which causes us to to the same.We need to learn to love our imperfections, as humans and as individuals.  We do not have to be "perfect". W...

Friday!!!!A short and Sweet Message !!!

Hi There  It is Friday!!!! It means things should slow down and we can take a breath and just be. Remember rest is always part of the process, part of the journey. Rest is important and should also be a priority.Spend some time with your family, be outside and exercise your soul!!!  When we slow our minds down we give our bodies rest we realize that life is pretty amazing. Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

What I Believe About... Food!!!

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Onward to today's topic... Food! I feel like every topic so far I have loved.Annddd I love food!! I  do not believe in diets and HATE them, but I believe in BALANCE. If I eat let's call it "bad" today I will focus on eating better today and work out a bit harder than I usually do. I also balance how and what I eat with how and why I train/workout. I look at food as follows :We eat to survive not survive to eat. This helps me to discern why am I eating and how I am eating.    I believe food is there to fuel us and make movement possible. I believe that eating should be a joyful activity and that food brings people together.  I believe food should not cause bad feelings and should definitely not cause any anxiety. We should focus on making be...

Movement should be apart of your daily routine

Hi There  We are all busy and have a lot on our plates, but I think it is time to look at our routines. Are we being busy or productive? Because to be honest it is easy to be busy, but it is hard being productive. Busy can be tiring and you never get anything done. Being productive means to complete your goal.  Think about it productive people always seem to have so much free time, they are never stress out all the time! Incorporating movement into your day helps burn off the stress and gives you more energy and blood flowing through the brain to focus on being productive!! As a mind shift I also recommend that we all stop saying we are busy, but that we start being productive and creative with our time!  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

A Healthy Body Houses A Healthy Mind And Visa Versa

Hi There Your mindset determines your outcome. How you think and what you think play a huge role in your journey towards the best healthy you! That is why becoming healthy is a full body and mind change and as I have said before the reason it is so hard is that we try to only change one aspect of our whole selves. That never works and that is why we fail. As soon as we incorporate the mind everything changes. Being healthy becomes easier because our resilience is stronger and we get back on track quicker! It is a constant battle against yourself pushing you toward a strong, healthy mind and body. When our mind and body are in sync we can adapt and handle any situation with ease and confidence even if we feel under pressure. #NeverStopMoving now has a premises where group Pilates classes will be held!!! To have achieved this has already been a great journey and I look forward broadening #NeverStopMoving services even more!!! I will keep you posted on #NSM progress!!   ...

Getting Personal... Again... Putting Too Much Pressure On Yourself

Hi There  Why do we always think negative first?  I consider myself a pretty positive person, but I also think and tend to focus on all that can go wrong instead of going right. There are so many things that need to fall in place and you know what? I am stressing about what could go wrong!! That means I am stressing about stuff that has not happened yet!!!! How crazy is that!!! I am literally wasting time and negatively impacting my health and people around me!!! On purpose!!  Easier said than done, but we need to breathe. Prepare for negative things but focus on the positive. Not put pressure on yourself, the world puts enough pressure on us. We do not have to add to that!   . Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Wanted: Encouragement...Got Enough Critics!!!

Hi There  Do you  sometimes feel that no matter what you do everyone and everywhere there are critics!!! Don't get me wrong I belief in good criticism given with love or care and to build you up. But sometimes it feels that nothing is good enough and the world is against you. I know I feel like that too sometimes. Working with the body is not always easy. Every body is different. Every part of the body is different. Every person is different. The body works the same but different factors influences everyone differently. It is a great challenge. One that I love. Keeps me on my toes.But it is not always easy. People put a lot of pressure on me to help them reach their goals; but it stays their goal. They need to DO the work. I am there every step of the way to encourage you!!! My whole belief of what I do is to ENCOURAGE everyone to MOVE. Find the JOY in  MOVEMENT. If you ever feel the world or you have to many critics; remember me!!! Do it for YO...

Movement should bring us joy 😊

Hi There After a bit of thought I think I want to share my belief of movement or exercise. I believe that we are all different and that we all have different goals, but that we all need to MOVE. How we move can and probably are very different. That is amazing. It amazes me, it is absolutely awesome. I believe that movement brings us joy. That it physically makes us strong and confident. The problem is we don't move effectively and most of us do not find joy in movement and this saddens me deeply.   Like I said before it is small changes that can help us find joy in movement!    Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋