You Are The Common Denominator

Hi There Unfortunately we are the the common denominator in ALL our circumstances, so usually the blame moves to us. A better way to say this is that we internalise it like it is our fault. Disclaimer: not everyone does, we do get blamers that are never at fault and then we get the total opposites that no matter what they take blame; then there ate the oblivious one who just don't get any if; lastly there are those in all the groups that do not have the emotional maturity to know what they are feeling and how it affects them and others. That said we have the power to change all of it. Usually we build our own obstacles around us, not our circumstances. Yes, they play a huge role in our lives and how we perceive everything, but we can choose to bend to our surroundings or bend our mind to change how it affects us. If your circumstances are confining you do not add to it. Free your mind and start focusing within you and make that change happen. Life our life. Make...