It Is OK To Rest

Hi There 

It is getting close to the end of the year. Depending on where you live, holiday season is upon us! The year has flown by! So many new adventures began and some are starting and... some are ending. 
Isn't is amazing that we can have all three at the same time with different or even the same aspects of our lives! This is the complex beings we are! I absolutely love the complicated mess we are and at the same time organized!!

Most of us start shutting down this time of year. We just want to finish, does not matter how as long as we finish. 

I just want to say one thing. We must remember we are not perfect beings, we cannot do everything perfect. We strive for this and personally I believe this is why we are seeing the increase of burn out- even in our kids! Society makes us believe we need to be perfect in every aspect and way in our life. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. It should be our vision NOT our goal. What is the difference?

"A vision is an unreachable ideal, a goal is reachable" - Simon Sinek 

It is a loose quote from Simon but it works. A vision you strive for in everything you do and how you do it. A goal you work for with certain steps to reach or, move towards it.  

It is OK to be tired and take a break. It is OK to slow down our pace and smell the roses.

Forget society and be bravely you! Rest/Recover when it is required !

Keep Moving until next time👋


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