The Obstacles We Create

Hi There 

An Obstacle is defined by Google as a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress. That pretty much says it all.
Isn't funny that we love obstacle courses? I mean it is a sport. It is almost as if our species cannot accept an easy way to achieve certain goals! Think about it... Some people just see obstacles others see challenges. Attitude is the only  difference. 
I believe we sometimes create our own obstacles. We do this out of fear, obsession end various other feelings, but the important thing is we create them. Which mean we can overcome them. We are the mastermind behind them!! A good example of this is when trying to incorporate movement into one's life... I don't have time, it is hard, I look stupid... All obstacles we created.There is always a way. The obstacles that we create are usually subjective not objective so in other words inflated... by you. It all come down to YOU. Are you going to be blocked by our own insecurities. Or are you up for the challenge?

What are the obstacles you create? Comment below.  
Keep Moving until next time👋


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