We Are People Too...

Hi There Coaches, Personal Trainers, Instructors etc. are people too. I am saying this because I feel like we forget this factor. Even though they are carrying over their knowledge over to us and plan out our sessions and then essentially lead us in their sessions. They are human. Sometimes their planing wasn't up to par or had some logistic problems, but to judge them too hard on this factor is not fair. I also want to say that experience plays a big role in planing successes. Also that it is sometime nerve wrecking to do so. The dynamics of the nature of movement makes planning difficult. I always when in trouble go to these people to help work it out. They can change a plan sp quick and precisely AND it works!!! Coaches, Personal Trainers, Instructors etc. also get frustrated, have long and varied days, have too be motivated ALL THE TIME, which takes a lot of energy. Think about it. If they are not motivated how on earth are they going to motiv...