New Beginnings... Getting Personal

Hi There 

This blog was never meant to be a "Dear Diary" Blog. I did not want to post personal experiences and thoughts here. I want to inspire people to move and never stop. But the more I blog I realize that the way movement is a part of our being it is automatically personal. As soon as you move as a being it's personal, it is YOU. Also if you have been following this blog you would know I recently connected with my brother (Shout out to Greg and Chimera Dreams) and he just inspired me to keep pushing and moving on. He also challenged me to make #NeverStopMoving bigger than just post about movement but really to show you my passion. MY PASSION which is personal...

Thus I decided to keep this blog as it is but the really passionate and personal "stuff" I will post on a different blog ( Please follow me there as well. I will be going more in detail about my passions and why I feel the way I do. Why I believe media is lying to us. 

I want to thank you if you follow me and ask that you share the movement forward and that you comment on this blog or the other but that we just don't stop. 

Please leave a comment below and let's start moving 

Keep Moving until next time👋


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