... Why So SERIOUS?

Hi There 

Today is an absolutely beautiful day!! I love day like these... Birds chirping, sun shining, cold drinks ans just summer all around!! I love it!
I realized that everyone around me looks... grumpy, busy and down. Problem is that we all are busy, but we need to look out of our normal view and expanded to more than just what is next on my list... Look at the birds in the trees, hear them. We are so serious... All the time!!! We take everything serious. We get easily offended....Because we are so serious. This also increases our stress levels, which is not good for our health! So my advise today is to figuratively to let your hair down and just be... Dance around with your loved ones and be a bit silly.
Have some fun, not only on weekends, but during the week as well....TODAY!!!!

Keep Moving until next time👋


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