
Showing posts with the label Preparation

Saorsa- Finding Freedom

Hi There  Sorry for my disappearance. My laptop got stolen πŸ˜’πŸ˜“πŸ˜ŸAnd we all know the headache that comes with. Real life drama that looks and reads so easy in stories but in real life they suck and take time!!!! Getting Personal... This is a very exciting time for me and #NeverStopMovng!!! It is a huge step forward for us. I am starting to give Pilates for pregnant women and I got a premises for this purpose! And you know what all this was clouded by the burglary. I realized that I allowed them to steal my freedom as well.  We do this when we compare our goals, situations and lives with others. We are in control of how we act. What we allow to affect us and how much. Do not let others take away your saorsa. Be saorsa!!  Breath and enjoy the life you have.We only get one!! Keep Moving until ne xt time πŸ‘‹

Week 12 #2020 Ohhhhh I want to DANCE with somebody!!

Hi There Now this is where the fun starts. The real #Realization of changing how we look at EVERYTHING HEALTH. This is also the part I love. Because it is so much more than just being conscious of our sleep, diet and exercise. I also believe this is why we fail, because it starts as a to-do list. That is not how a healthy lifestyle works. Or even being happy works. It is a state of being. And that is what we are trying to achieve not the to-do list to get there!! Don't get me wrong; diet and sleep etc. are important and should be controlled but it is not the be-all of being healthy. If you follow this blog or my personal blog  you would know that I believe it is a journey to become and stay healthy.  This week I want you to DANCE as your "cardio" session. I want you to be creative. Grab your kids and make memories. Dance and jump with them on your favorite song and play it loud! Laugh at your own or their moves! Show them that Mom and Dad can have fun! Play one song, pl...

Muscle Of The Week... Articularis Cubit

Hi There This week's muscle is a tough one. It is a small and weird one. Some might even call it more of a ligament than a muscle. Others believe it is part of the Tricep Brachii  muscle. But I have linkes videos and articles to further your understanding.  Articularis Cubit Origin: Beep distal surface of the medial head of the Tricep Brachii  Insertion: Posterior capsule of the elbow joint.  The function of Articularis Cubit Lifts capsule away from the joint  Follow link for a video   for the anatomy of the elbow joint .  Most common injuries :  Tennis or Golfers' Elbow (Epicondylitis) Dislocation of the joint  Please follow the links to see my sources. I want to give credit to all of them. Keep Moving until ne xt time πŸ‘‹

We Are People Too...

Hi There  Coaches, Personal Trainers, Instructors etc. are people too. I am saying this because I feel like we forget this factor. Even though they are carrying over their knowledge over to us and plan out our sessions and then essentially lead us in their sessions. They are human.  Sometimes their planing wasn't up to par or had some logistic problems, but to judge them too hard on this factor is not fair. I also want to say that experience plays a big role in planing successes. Also that it is sometime nerve wrecking to do so. The dynamics of the nature of movement makes planning difficult. I always when in trouble go to these people to help work it out. They can change a plan sp quick and precisely AND it works!!!   Coaches, Personal Trainers, Instructors etc. also get frustrated, have long and varied days, have too be motivated ALL THE TIME, which takes a lot of energy. Think about it. If they are not motivated how on earth are they going to motiv...

You Can Not Change What You Do Not Know

Hi There  To make a change we need to be be conscious of what you need to change. You can not change what you don't know.  So taking that first step in admitting that a change is needed is a very big step towards the change.  Another thing we need to keep in mind is that change is a process. EVERYTHING is a PROCESS. Change takes time and follows a specific process.  Making small changes and building on them is the best way to change. It doesn't just happen. So let us become conscious and make a change by starting small and manageable, building on your successes.   Consciousness is key. Have a great weekend!! Keep Moving until ne xt time πŸ‘‹


Hi There  I am going to go on a rant here...  This is why I despise the media and the way they "sell" exercise! They are LYING TO YOU!!! There is NO pill that is going to make you lose weight without YOU changing SOMETHING in your lifestyle. There is a reason you are where you are health wise, weight wise, mentally etc. This is why we lose the weight and gain it all back most of the time even more.   Worst is that we know it!!! We are just accustomed to instant gratification. We do not want to wait! Sorry but it is not how it works... You have to do the work... No magic here .. . The magic is within YOU. Start doing it for YOU. No other reason, because it is going to get hard. You are not all of a sudden going to love cardio... The mind needs to change. This is why I call it movement. Every aspect of your life is going to be affected by this movement... By you moving more. No one can make you promises.  Follw this link to You Need To Do The...

Patience is A Virtue... We All Hate

Hi There  Patience is something we do well. Especially in today's lifestyle. We are rushed at work, we rush to get the kids to their activities, before and after school. Then it is homework, housework and prep work for the next day. Where did you take a breath? Where did you have a chance to laugh and play with the kids?  I think we do not even comprehend what it means to be patient. I also believe this is why we fail when we try new things. You want to learn how to draw, you suck, you stop... within a week or two. We want to become fit, so we run a 10k, when we never even ran 5km! We want to lose weight, so eat less, starve for a week, nothing's changed so we give up.  We want it all now. I totally get this because we are use to getting instant gratification. We don't wait for things we use to. For example before Netflix we had to wait an entire week for the next episode, now we wait 20 seconds and lets be honest you never just watch one episode... ...

What I Believe About... Goals and Goal Setting

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core beliefs about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Today's topic... Goals and goal setting. This is another topic close to my heart. I get so... passionate... about this topic. Believe it or not your goal is the difference of how you train. Your goal is the science in exercise. That is the secret. Movement and the how and why behind it is what makes us different. We all move. We kind of have to to be considered alive. Like I've said before movement is life.  A goal is precise but permeable.  That is why our goal should be clear and well defined and yes, planned. When we make career goals we have a set plan, we "train"  for that goal. Why would this be different when we creating goals for our body or health? A goal should also be realistic. This BEING REALISTIC is where the trouble comes in when we are m...

What I Believe About... Movement

Hi There  I am starting a series where I will be writing about my core beliefs about movement, certain movement types etc. These posts will be published Tuesdays and Thursdays. I want to encourage you to submit questions on my beliefs or even if you want to know what I believe about something. Just leave your requests in the comment section below. That said. Let's start with today's topic. My favorite. Movement. I almost want to skip this part because I pretty sure I have said this before. I love movement. I really do believe we were made to move. We were made to enjoy movement, we find joy in movement. This is my core belief.  Life is movement. Movement is one of the characteristics of life... I belief that movement is within us. It is life!!!  The only challenge is to master it. Which I believe is totally possible! We just need to change our mindset about what the media lets us believe about being healthy. We need to know what our goals are and remember we ar...

A Healthy Body Houses A Healthy Mind And Visa Versa

Hi There Your mindset determines your outcome. How you think and what you think play a huge role in your journey towards the best healthy you! That is why becoming healthy is a full body and mind change and as I have said before the reason it is so hard is that we try to only change one aspect of our whole selves. That never works and that is why we fail. As soon as we incorporate the mind everything changes. Being healthy becomes easier because our resilience is stronger and we get back on track quicker! It is a constant battle against yourself pushing you toward a strong, healthy mind and body. When our mind and body are in sync we can adapt and handle any situation with ease and confidence even if we feel under pressure. #NeverStopMoving now has a premises where group Pilates classes will be held!!! To have achieved this has already been a great journey and I look forward broadening #NeverStopMoving services even more!!! I will keep you posted on #NSM progress!!   ...

Getting Personal... Again... Putting Too Much Pressure On Yourself

Hi There  Why do we always think negative first?  I consider myself a pretty positive person, but I also think and tend to focus on all that can go wrong instead of going right. There are so many things that need to fall in place and you know what? I am stressing about what could go wrong!! That means I am stressing about stuff that has not happened yet!!!! How crazy is that!!! I am literally wasting time and negatively impacting my health and people around me!!! On purpose!!  Easier said than done, but we need to breathe. Prepare for negative things but focus on the positive. Not put pressure on yourself, the world puts enough pressure on us. We do not have to add to that!   . Keep Moving until ne xt time πŸ‘‹

Kaino.... What?

Hi There  It is Monday! I do not know one person who loves a Monday... Anyway, it is the beginning of our week and it can only go up from here. Today I want to talk about change. Yes, and we all suffer to a degree from Kainotophobia; the fear of change. This is why we usually fail at our new years' resolutions our new "healthy lifestyle". We usually try to change all at once. This is not how change works. The definition even tells us this.  Change noun:  an act or process  through which something becomes different. There needs to be an action and it needs to be processed. Nothing happens all at once. This is why most of us suffer from  Kainotophobia because we do not have the certainty of what the outcome of the change will be. But if we break the change down it becomes gradual and we seem to accept it easier and stick with it.  Let us not suffer from Kainotophobia, but embrace change gradually and change towards being better. W...

Prep Work... Part Of Life πŸ˜• (Most Important Thing You Will Ever Read!)

Hi there If you look back in our human history; you will see that preparation has always been apart of our natural being. We prepare for everything. We prepare for battle, by training soldiers and making weapons ect. We prepare for our futures by studying, and we even prepare to study by learning to write and read. We as beings also prepare for what may happen. Preparation is apart of our daily living. Preparing is living. My question to you is, if we prepare ourselves, mentally, sometimes spiritually, why do we not prepare our bodies? One of today's most active killers is stress. Our bodies can not take the stress we put on it. We don't prepare it to. We just expect it to cope with it. We would never study for something if we can not read or write. In fact it is  impossible. Why expect the body to be different? We need to prepare the body for the stresses that today's society puts on us. This is not impossible. We just need to make this preparation process just a...