Week 12 #2020 Ohhhhh I want to DANCE with somebody!!

Hi There

Now this is where the fun starts. The real #Realization of changing how we look at EVERYTHING HEALTH. This is also the part I love. Because it is so much more than just being conscious of our sleep, diet and exercise. I also believe this is why we fail, because it starts as a to-do list. That is not how a healthy lifestyle works. Or even being happy works. It is a state of being. And that is what we are trying to achieve not the to-do list to get there!! Don't get me wrong; diet and sleep etc. are important and should be controlled but it is not the be-all of being healthy. If you follow this blog or my personal blog you would know that I believe it is a journey to become and stay healthy. 
This week I want you to DANCE as your "cardio" session. I want you to be creative. Grab your kids and make memories. Dance and jump with them on your favorite song and play it loud! Laugh at your own or their moves! Show them that Mom and Dad can have fun! Play one song, play three. Just DANCE.

WEEK 12 of #2020

How is it going with the diet? Adding fruit and veggies? Found a balance yet? Are you also getting in your ZZZ's? Do you already have an idea of how you are going to GET YOUR GROOVE ON the dance....Living room floor?  With who are you going to make memories with? 

Next week (Week 13 of #2020)  Think OUT of the box.

Thanks for reading!! 

Please share our thoughts? 


Keep Moving 👋✌



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