Week 10 #2020 Veggies :"Everybody Hates Me!"

Hi There

Now that we have added fruit to our diet. Lets add Veggies this week. I want us to change how we see Veggies and try not just put them down. Try new recipes.I truly believe we are "taught to hate Veggies. Or we are born to hate them. When I got over the idea that Veggies are disgusting. I started to enjoy them. I love Broccoli. pumpkin etcetera. I believe the way we prepare them might be the problem. I also believe we should get creative as to how and when we should eat Veggies? Why can we not add them as snacks or something, rather than adding them to our plates?  

WEEK 10 of #2020

How has the fruit gone? Has it been easy to add them? What struggles have you been having?  Do you have any interesting ways or recipes for Veggies? What are your favorite Veggies?

Next week (Week 11 of #2020) Fruit & Veg the inseparable couple?

Thanks for reading!! 

Please share our thoughts? 


Keep Moving 👋✌



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