Kaino.... What?

Hi There 

It is Monday! I do not know one person who loves a Monday... Anyway, it is the beginning of our week and it can only go up from here.

Today I want to talk about change. Yes, and we all suffer to a degree from Kainotophobia; the fear of change. This is why we usually fail at our new years' resolutions our new "healthy lifestyle". We usually try to change all at once. This is not how change works. The definition even tells us this. Change noun: an act or process through which something becomes different. There needs to be an action and it needs to be processed. Nothing happens all at once. This is why most of us suffer from Kainotophobia because we do not have the certainty of what the outcome of the change will be. But if we break the change down it becomes gradual and we seem to accept it easier and stick with it. Let us not suffer from Kainotophobia, but embrace change gradually and change towards being better. Work through the process and learn along the journey. 

Keep Moving until next time👋



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