Week 4 #2020Think Big, Start Small

Hi There 

What we do today has an impact in our future. We all know this. We remember this with the "big" things; but it is also true for all the little/small things we do. Like drinking more water, eating better, moving more than usual. It is in the small changes that we make where our big successes comes from. When we think big it overwhelms us, but that is the big picture not the process or journey towards our success.When we reach success; people don't ask about how you got there. You are just seen as successful.But there is ALWAYS a path ,Journey ,Process that was followed and it is NEVER easy or WITHOUT STRUGGLE, FAILURE PLATO's Etc.
This Journey is for you and what you can achieve being balanced and healthy throughout your life.  Always keep the big picture in mind;but focus on the process, the journey. 

Start Analyzing the small things you do that prevents success? How can you change it? What Small thing can you do to make a big impact on your tomorrow and later Future! 

Thank You for reading. Is there something small that you do that has big influences? What do you think? 

Keep Moving until next time👋


  1. Also think about the small things that you can do for others. "ARK" Acts of Random Kindness


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