Week 1 of #2020 #2020Goal

Hi There

I hate this time of the year. Well not really but I hate the "New Year's Resolutions" part of this time of the year! I believe we do not put thought into them. We use the generic :" Get healthy, Stop smoking, la di dah..." But we do not plan or strategize how to keep these goals or resolutions. 

Let me explain through an example. 
I want to lose weight. From Jan 2nd I am going to run 5 km everyday!!! I am very committed and I actually start running on the 2nd of Jan.

Problem here is the following: 
1) I have never even walked 5 km let a lone run.
2) It is not going to last because of 1) and the fact that there was no planning involved.
3) I am going to be so stiff - I would not want to carry on....Losing ALL my motivation.

Remember. We all had to start at the beginning. We can not start as an EXPERT. We have to WORK  to get there. There is a PROCESS that needs to be followed. 

Please join me this year on a journey to discovery and actually reaching OUR OWN goals becoming the best version of YOU. So for this week. 

WEEK 1 of #2020
Put some thought in your Goal/s for #2020 & be realistic.

Please feel free to share Your #2020 goals? Do you make Goals for the year? How do you decide what your goals are? 

Coming up next week (Week 2 of #2020) How I do Goals for the year and apply it. #OneWord #2020OneWord 

Thank You 


Keep Moving 👋✌



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