Week 2 #2020OneWord

Hi There

I told you last time that I do not like to set goals or resolutions.For Goals to work for me they need to be concise and have a structure and that takes planning. Not just another To-Do list. I believe this is why we (me in particular) do not always reach our goals. BUT I do believe having goals is important. It gives everything we do Purpose. 
So this is what I do. And to give credit where credit is due. My mentor is the one that got me into this. She is amazing. 

I use the #OneWord --Let's call it "system"-- I have personally used it now for 3 years and I'll be carry on this year. Click here for my #OneWord. Using this system is easy and my goals get reached without having 300 separate goals and I STICK to it. . 
Here is how it works.
Usually by October each year I start reflecting and also put some energy and thought in what I want to focus on next year. Keeping in mind that I have only one word that needs to be inclusive of EVERYTHING. My ONE FOCAL point for the year. 
Side Note: It is not set in stone. It can change and you don't have to keep it all year (I do), but it is the concept that counts.
I really go in deep with this process, because this word will guide me in my finances, marriage, body, relationships etc. One can almost say this word will be the theme of the next year and where the focus will be.I, personally stick to this word in EVERYTHING I do the next year. This means I do not just pick a word. I think, reflect and build this word. The process really gives me insight in what I really want in my life. What is really important. 
Also it is one word to focus on. Not another To-Do list to get to or though 

For this week. 

WEEK 2 of #2020
Can you put your Goal/s for #2020 in #OneWord? 

What is Your #2020OneWord? Comment and share your #2020OneWord

Coming up next week (Week 3 of #2020) What #NeverStopMoving 's #2020OneWord is and how we will apply it

Thanks for reading!! 


Keep Moving 👋✌



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