What I Believe About... Movement

Hi There 

I am starting a series where I will be writing about my core beliefs about movement, certain movement types etc. These posts will be published Tuesdays and Thursdays. I want to encourage you to submit questions on my beliefs or even if you want to know what I believe about something. Just leave your requests in the comment section below. That said. Let's start with today's topic. My favorite. Movement.

I almost want to skip this part because I pretty sure I have said this before. I love movement.I really do believe we were made to move. We were made to enjoy movement, we find joy in movement. This is my core belief. Life is movement. Movement is one of the characteristics of life... I belief that movement is within us. It is life!!! 

The only challenge is to master it. Which I believe is totally possible! We just need to change our mindset about what the media lets us believe about being healthy. We need to know what our goals are and remember we are unique, thus our journey will also be unique. We should stop comparing ourselves with others and move toward health, by moving more. 
I rarely talk about exercise. We do not need to do exercise. We only need to move more. How we move may be in the form of what we came to call "exercise". But thinking that way makes us weary. The word makes some of us cringe.That is why I focus on moving. It sounds better, more fun and to be honest doable.    

That is what I believe about MOVEMENT .

Do not forget to submit your thoughts or questions about others beliefs. Also mention if you want other series themes. 

Keep Moving until next time👋


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