RECOVERY: Something to PRIORITIZE in 2018!

Hi There

Recovery is an important part of training and life. As humans we need rest. If we do not rest we die or suffer serious health issues.This fact should show that recovery should be planned and prioritized in our life. 

As a Sport Scientist, I am going to explain recovery in terms of Training and because this science has to do with enhancing performance it is easy to see that recovery has the same importance in normal regular life.

Again I am going to explain it as simple as possible. I am not going to use big words to try and convince you I am smart and you should listen to me. I want you to understand that taking some time to recover, (whether it is mentally, physically, spiritually ect. because we are more than just one thing, we are more than the sum of or parts!) is important and should be prioritized. 

As a Sport Scientist, I measure "fitness" by how quick you recover from exertion. The quicker you recover the "more fit" you are. In other words: At maximal exertion, how long does it take for one to recover and exert the same maximal effort? Think about.... 

This is why rest is worked into programmes to stress certain energy systems and very specific "rest time".As one gets "fitter" we need to work harder, increase intensity to still be able to recover faster. This is the bases we work from. 

Interestingly enough we as human beings will ALWAYS need time to recover to PERFORM. 

To become better we need to recover otherwise we burn out. Thus get ready to tackle this year but plan for and take time to recover, It is the smart thing to do the healthy thing to do 

Keep Moving until next time👋


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