Getting Personal... Training Hard

Hi There

I am sorry for disappearing... This last week was hectic. It reminded me of my humanity... I am going to get personal; but don't get use to it. This is not a "Dear Diary" blog. But I think it might help with what this blogging adventure of mine is about; which is to encourage and change our mindset on movement.

I am not what you would call an typical athlete. In fact my body build and background does not "fit" the usual attributes of an athlete. That said, I love running. I do cross country competitively, but I compete only against myself. This last few weeks I trained really hard and I got selected for my Province.I ran in my Provincial clothes 
and I have never been so proud to wear the Daisy of AGN. I did not expect to get selected. 

It made me think that we think we can not do something, but that we are actually capable. We just need to train. Everything comes with training. We train our kids how to be polite and eat ect. We train our brains, we train to do certain processes at work. It is not a new concept. We just need to apply it in a different way. nothing gets done without training.

Let us train for the things we "think" we are not able to do physically and move to train for it. The way we train for everything. It is a process, a journey.

Keep Moving until next timeπŸ‘‹


  1. Very inspiring!Thank you for showing us that struggle is part of growing and most important that we need to move despite our weaknesses. It is easy to write a blog where you put up pictures of how you suddenly have a six pack after 3 weeks of training, but this blog does the opposite. It shows the reality of putting in your everything to be better than the person you were yesterday.Many blogs forget to insert the essence of being "real", you really hit the nail on the head. This blog teaches us to be real and not perfect. The number one reason why people stop moving is because they compare themselves with the perfect versions of people, but you teach us to pursue the real and the not so pretty part of movement. Today I feel motivated to move because you have showed me that moving no matter what is the most important thing you can do!

  2. Thank You for your comment. You inspire me to carry on. I believe we are all destined to live long and happy lives and that movement is the key . Remember to Keep Moving and #NeverStopMoving !!


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