
Hi There

It is Chooseday Tuesday time!This time it is about choosing You or Others... For You or For Others!  Again we are focusing on abstract concepts. Which I love!!! I love it because it makes you think why you believe or behave the way you do!. Please feel free to also add to discussion by commenting below! 

Firstly we need to decide what each of these concepts mean. What does for me mean? When do you do things for yourself purely for you. For me? What does for others mean? When and what do you do others? What makes you feel good? Doing things for others or yourself? 

If you asked me this question a few months ago my answer would have been totally different. I would have said that you should do everything for others! They make you feel good. They validate you. Now I want to slap myself that I ever thought that!! I validate myself, I make myself feel good!! Not others!. 

I believe that again do BOTH!!! Do things for yourself to grow and be healthy. If it needs be put yourself first. Remember you cannot pour from an empty cup!! By default you take care of or do things for others by taking care of or doing things for yourself!! It is not selfish to take care of yourself and evolve to become a better YOU and be an positive influence FOR OTHERS! 

This week I CHOOSE 

For me to benefit others  

What are your thoughts? Did I miss something?  

Thank You  

Keep Moving until next time👋


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